A has totally outgrown his 16” but the typical age range for a 20” is something like 8-12. He fits perfectly on an 18” now, but i don’t want to buy another bike in a year. The 20” is a little big, but he definitely fits with the seat all the way down.
we ordered one for Matilda for Christmas! We brought her to the local bike store to try one out and it was a little big but with the seat down she could pedal it fine.
We ordered this one www.diamondback.com/holiday/cobra-20 because it was on sale for $114. Looks like it's back up again now though. It says suggested height is 44 - 54 inches and I believe matilda is 44 inches tall.
the bike store ones that had gears were $330, so I'm sorry bike store!
Bikes are expensive. She's on a 14 inch now that is too small. So we planned to try to find a used 16 or 18 inch but it was slim pickings on craigslist. When we started considering a new one I knew we'd go with 20 because there's no way I'm shelling out for another bike for a while after spending over a hundred dollars on one.
We ended up with a 20” Schwinn from Target for around $100. I agree laurack, the prices at the bike store are a little nuts. We did the better quality used bike for Alex’s 16”, but time was not our friend this go round.
We ended up with a 20” Schwinn from Target for around $100. I agree laurack , the prices at the bike store are a little nuts. We did the better quality used bike for Alex’s 16”, but time was not our friend this go round.
H & I are reasonably serious bikers and we do believe in good bikes being worth paying the $ for, I'm just not sure a 5 year old kid is worth buying a $300+ bike for lol.
If she gets really into mountain biking, when the time comes to get her a 24 inch we may consider something pricy I suppose if it's something we know she is using very regularly. I'm hoping the 20 inch gets us through the next 3 years at least.
poor William will just be getting matilda's cast offs lol
We ended up with a 20” Schwinn from Target for around $100. I agree laurack , the prices at the bike store are a little nuts. We did the better quality used bike for Alex’s 16”, but time was not our friend this go round.
H & I are reasonably serious bikers and we do believe in good bikes being worth paying the $ for, I'm just not sure a 5 year old kid is worth buying a $300+ bike for lol.
If she gets really into mountain biking, when the time comes to get her a 24 inch we may consider something pricy I suppose if it's something we know she is using very regularly. I'm hoping the 20 inch gets us through the next 3 years at least.
poor William will just be getting matilda's cast offs lol
This is our plan. Both DH and I have nice bikes that we have put work into, and we will probably pass those down when the boys need them because we can’t afford to get teenagers a new bike that nice (plus, they can treat them the way teens do and I won’t lose my freaking mind because they already have miles on them). But in the meantime I’m ok with less expensive bikes.