My daughter gets artic and her SLP mentioned this last year. It's private and offered only through specialist (a dental hygenist). She had a tongue thrust and open bite. She's working on a LOT of sounds, but her SLP has reasonable expectations of what to target now vs what to wait for as some of her sounds wil come later. She will not be dismissed anytime soon but she is making progress.
She got a new dentist who also mentioned this. They also referred to to an orthodontist but said to have one of these Evals done first.
She is 6 and has received artic 2/week for a year and a half.
This might sound weird but I tend to be skeptical about private therapies that profit off of parents. I try to be a wise consumer.
I don't know the research behind this therapy, I also have not talked to my insurance to see what is covered.
Does anyone know much about this, the effectiveness I mean? If your kids did it, what was it like and what were the results? How long was treatment?
Your wise to be skeptical, especially around so new and expanding a field.
I'd speak to your pedi about this.
Thanks, part of this is also a reflection of being a full time working mom with 3 kids under 8....if I am adjusting our lives to include ONE MORE thing, it better be worth our time!
We are having motor planning issue with dd's articulation and I am pursuing Prompt. Prompt is relatively new and in short uses external cues. Another therapy uses internal cues and I can't remember if it is the oral myofunctional therapy. This therapy could be beneficial and mitigate long term issues for articulation. Dd's situation is different from yours but she can do isolation drills to perfection all day but in conversation she is unintelligible. SLPs vary in training and expertise. Ask around for a second opinion with someone with oral myofunctional therapy. I have been researching SLPs and several have commented that they won't work with a kid that doesn't fit in their expertise domain. A bit more research could help mitigate long term issues with articulation. This could reassure your doubts on the degree of necessity of therapy, type of professional, and/or degree of expertise required (and save you a bunch of hassle down the road).