When we were trying for DS, I used Wondfo strips from Amazon for OPKs and early testing- do people still use those, or have they gone downhill in the last almost 4 years?
I also remember liking the FRER to confirm after a few squinter lines on the Wondfo but I feel like I heard that they had changed something and they weren't as good? What's the favorite these days?
Mostly right now I want to get some OPKs just to help keep track since we aren't actually trying for about another month but I guess I figure it can't hurt to ask about pregnancy tests too while I'm here
I use Wandfo tests, and I keep a couple of FRER tests in the cabinet to use if I ever get a +Wandfo.
I’ve been using Wandfo OPKs, too, but I’m planning to invest in some digital ones because I’m tired of staring at lines that may or may not be dark enough to count as a +.
I’m using Wondfos too because I’m cheap. The OPKs have been working well for me this time. I remember last time not being sure when I got a positive but the past 2 months have been very clear. So far I’m not liking the HCG tests but thats mainly because I haven’t gotten a positive yet. 😜
I am brand new to this, so take my advice with a grain of salt as I have very limited experience, but I like the clear blue advanced digital OPKs. I received very clear Low, high, and peak readings with them this cycle.
I tried the first response OPKs last cycle to get an idea for how they worked and I honestly didn’t have a clue how to actually read them. I spent too much time trying to decide if the one line was similar to or darker than the other line - it was confusing, so I like the clear blue advanced digital ones much better simply because they are easy to understand!
ETA: I haven’t used any pregnancy tests yet since we just started TCC this cycle.
This is my first month using OPKs and I'm not really fond of the faint line that is ever present on the Wondflo strips. It's pretty cost effective though so we'll see how it goes this month. I'm not sure I would order them again though.
I use easy@home cheapies from Amazon. 50 Opks and 20 HPT's. Pretty good deal. We're doing the SMEP so testing earlier and more frequently in my cycle requires more tests. I confirm with clear blue digi Opks. For HPT's I'll start with the clear blue digital 4 days early test and confirm with cheapies.