This place is a ghost town. I have a nutty story. On Tuesday night I was getting ready for taco tuesday and saw what looked like a dead bat in our bedroom closet. So A came rushing home to take care of it (because I was not going near it) and by the time he got there it was gone.
Last night we went to sleep and about an hour later I woke up to some weird scratching noise. I woke him up and we thought it was somehow back in the attic. I couldn't sleep, but the scratching stopped and I started to drift off when all of a sudden all this commotion happened and A is throwing the bed covers over me and asking if it scratched me. I shrieked out loud because apparently the bat was in our bedroom flying around.
We sealed the closet where it has an attic door the other night, so it must have somehow come through the closet door that enters into our bathroom and was probably hanging out in our bedroom since Tuesday?? Yuck. He was able to catch it - it looked decrepit and take it back out into the woods. It was one of those horrifying scary moments.
Having a walk in attic is nice a lot of the time, but for issues like this - blech gross.
Yikes doglove , I would have flipped out if that happened to me.
About 15 years ago I had sinus surgery but only on my lower sinus' as my uppers were fine. I have had literally less than 5 sinus infections since then, up until now. Last month I had what I thought was just a nasty head cold but it is back again one month later. And this is exactly how my sinus problems started several years ago. If it is my uppers, I will do the surgery in a heart beat because it totally changed my life but it still sucks being sick right now.
doglove, that's crazy. I'm glad you guys were able to get it back outside. You will want to find how it got in the attic so that you don't get any others.
I have to work most of the weekend. Boo.
And in your dose of TMI: I need to get laid like whoa. I am having vivid dreams. I have exactly zero prospects, so I'm just sucking it up right now but gah 17 months is a long ass time.