Hiya, I haven't been on this board for a while but need GP advice!
background - We started trying for DD around Dec 2013, went through various stages of charting and not really *trying* trying, got the clear that I was ok from my OB in summer 2015, went to fertility doctor in October 2015, DH was diagnosed with low motility, I did various prep blood tests, and had planned to do IVF after my January 2016 cycle, but got a BFP in Dec 2015.
This time around, I only got my period back around November last year and my cycles are just starting to normalize. We're loosely trying, but the timing would be not that great and ideally I'd like to get pregnant again in May or later. I'm already feeling like this is later and more spread than we'd really prefer. Also I'm turning 37 this year and DH 41 and I know that's not that old, but I'd rather not wait too long either.
The last time we went, the wait time to even get an appt was like, 2 months, so I'm considering calling and seeing what we can do now, but it feels weird because we haven't been trying that long. My understanding is that because of our ages, and because of the health mandates in our state, there wouldn't be a lot of hoops to jump through to get this going again, although I'd much rather it happen naturally because it would be so much easier. I also have very little desire to chart. I wasn't very good at it last time and sort of dread it.
What would you do in this situation? How long would you try on your own?
I'd call and set an appointment up for around May if you can. By then you will have been trying for 6 months, so that seems like a reasonable time to start talking to a RE, especially given your history.
I totally hear on you on charting. I did it with DD, but I hated it. When we started trying for #2, I used OPKs only. If you cycles are somewhat regular, I'd try that first. I tested once a day after work and got clear positives. I have regular 28-29 day cycles and got my positives on CD 13-14. I think it worked well for timing and we got pg on cycle 3. H and I are both around the same age as you too. If we hadn't gotten pg, I was planning to chart my next cycle just to be sure I was ovulating.
Good luck. I know how stressful it is to try to plan when you really have no control. It sucks. I'd try not to worry so much about the age gap either. I was hoping to be pg earlier, but life events caused us to put off TTC for almost a year. Things happen, it will all work out.
Post by compassrose on Feb 20, 2018 12:55:26 GMT -5
I agree with noodleoo. Call and set up your appointment now (although my RE was able to get me in right away) to discuss your options. Does your insurance cover fertility treatments? If so, you may need to wait until May for the appointment for insurance to cover it.
Post by Jalapeñomel on Feb 20, 2018 13:13:05 GMT -5
If you have known MFI, I'd make the appointment ASAP. No harm in seeking out help sooner if you have known issues.
FYI: I'm 39, DH is 37, and we still have some hoops to jump through before we can pursue IVF. I think we also had to have tried through 6 natural cycles first too, but I could be mis-remembering that since we tried for a lot longer than that. We had to have all the sonograms/ultrasounds, sperm analysis, all the tests for me, and then we have to do 3 IUIs before moving on. However, my DH's sperm count wasn't low enough for the doc to make us jump right to IVF, but had it been super low, he could've submitted a waiver to the insurance company.
Good luck!
EDIT: Here it says that we had to have tried for 6 months if over 35.