I am getting my cable/ internet installed because, apparently, there's not an option to do out myself, and thought it was being done today. Newp, tomorrow. So I'm two hours late for work for nothing.
A bag of stress balls appeared in our break room at work with the sign "free to a stressful home." Bear in mind that there are no managers on-site, meaning that one of my peers decided it was necessary to buy a bunch of stress balls for the office. This is both hilarious and sad, because they will probably come in handy for a lot of people.
I woke up with a headache and was nauseous until about an hour ago. Since I got the daith piercing, I don't get migraines anymore but still get these weird headaches. Definitely not as debilitating as they once were, so I'll take it.
There is much talk of going mobile, at work, so I'm cautiously optimistic I'll be working from home in the relatively near future.
I'm tired again. Last night I made the sweet potato apple soup and blackberry apple muffins. Nothing with chicken yet, but I'm getting some ideas. Yesterday was, surprise surprise, stressful at work again. I'm really earning the upcoming spring break.