Took both kids into the doctor for their checkups. Not sure I'll take both at once again, lol. E is just so active it wears me out! Both are small but doing well. E is only 27 pounds and A is 12 pounds 5 ounces. She's also really short at 23 inches. E kept asking to get a shot which I thought was hilarious. I think he was jealous A was getting shots because that meant more attention for her. We did do a fluoride treatment for his teeth so that gave him a little extra attention, lol.
Then on the way out E would NOT leave and then started running toward the parking lot. He wouldn't hold my hand so I had to grab his arm. I also ended up yelling at him because he kept begging for a treat and started screaming when I said no. I wish I could be more patient sometimes I did end up giving him a treat after dinner and explained it was because he did so well at the doctor and because I felt bad for yelling at him. I apologized to him after we got home and he gave me a huge hug. It was really sweet
((Hugs)) suzv. I agree with don’t need to worry about that while you are at work. I hope J has a much better day today!
estrellita- I have had to take both kids to almost all appointments (in fact last week was the first one I had my step mom stay with C and only because it was during his nap time so she didn’t even have to watch him...and L’s first appointment because I went solo and DH stayed with him). Taking them both to appointments is NOT fun. I am thankful C has preschool right now and I was able to schedule L’s 18 month appointment while C is at school. Planning to do the same for his 2 year appointment (and hoping we don’t have any reason to go this summer LOL). C did want to go really bad last week...I ultimately learned it was because he wanted a sticker LOL
The boys are doing pretty good this week. L had been STTN but was up 4-5a today screaming. Not sure why. He didn’t poop and there wasn’t a wheeze when I picked him up to calm him down.
I took them to the park yesterday and I think we are going back with our neighbor friends today!
luv2rn4fun I mean, it was nice to get both their checkups in at the same time, but trying to fill out forms, hold A, entertain/watch E and talk to the doctor/nurse all at the same time was a bit much, lol. My main concern though is if I come pick up A for her next appointment and don't pick up E that might be an issue. I have to walk through the preschool area to get to the baby room! We'll figure that out in 2 months.. lol.
R has been a rock star with sleeping lately. We were OOT Sat night and he did great in the hotel. I am praying it continues next week while we are gone, mainly because staying with family = being in the same room as him and I'm already sleeping crappy as it is.
estrellita, sometimes I lose my patience with R. I hate it but it happens. Sometimes kids just don't do what you need them to!
I'm generally not a patient person so it's been a struggle for me (and H) with him sometimes, especially when we're in a hurry. I'm fine letting him do things himself if he would just DO them and not mess around and/or refuse to do things, but refuse to let us help. It's so frustrating and I try to reserve any yelling for serious situations (like when he was about to run into the parking lot) but sometimes I lose it a bit when he just won't listen. I hate it so much!
G told me she didn't want to wear panties because she was afraid she would make a big mess and make Mommy and Daddy really mad. I have been trying to assure her that accidents happen, it's okay, and we won't be mad at her for it. I have been considering trying to PT her while DH is gone. I don't really want to do it by myself, but I figure I will have the time to do it. I still have time to think about it.
C is changing every day. She's picking up new words all the time. She has also become quite the climber which is a new challenge for me. She had been doing this ridiculously adorable thing where she would put her hand out and "meow" when she wanted something. I have been trying to get a video for weeks but it's always so sudden (like she would put her hand out and meow at her cup of water if she couldn't reach it) and anytime I tried to stage something to make it happen she wouldn't meow. Anyway - she has now started replacing the meowing with a whiny "helpppppp" which she picked up from G. Not nearly as cute. I miss her meows already.. lol.
bk1- the meowing sounds absolutely adorable! I hope you can catch it on video one of these days. Also, sorry PTing is such a challenge for G and you guys. We did not have a unicorn PTing experience so I totally feel for you. I don’t know what I would do while your DH is gone...if you are going to be home and have the time , great! But I don’t know if being stuck at home would be best for YOU since you don’t have a ton of help during that time and will be in survival. That would be my biggest hesitation...and will PTing be too much for G on top of your DH being gone? I am sure whatever you decide it will go much smoother than you anticipate, it almost always does for me at least.
estrellita- I would maybe just explain to E that you have to take A to an appointment and he gets to stay at daycare and play with his friends. It’s not like he has any more well baby appointments for a long time and it would be much easier for you to just juggle A. I so know what you mean about having to fill out paperwork and have a conversation with the doctor while trying to juggle both kids...I always leave feeling like I was rushed and didn’t ask all of my questions.
I think we all lose our patience at times. I feel like I do way more than I would like. C has always taken his anger/frustration out on L and it’s one of the things I have zero tolerance for. Today is one of those days where he is pushing every button and we are butting heads. So far today he has pushed L down, bit him, threw a “brain flake ball” at his face, and tried to poke his eye out a few times. Oh, and yelled NO at L a handful of times and made ugly cry 🙁. I think it’s mostly him being tired and having been thrown off his routine over Easter but I am pretty over his attitude. He is so much better when we are away from the house (although the incidents in the stroller today were unusual...those tend to happen when DH is around, usually he’s pretty well behaved for me in the stroller).
luv2rn4fun That's true. My strategy for the next two weeks is to stay busy. I figure it will make the time go by faster. I hate staying home days in a row on a normal basis.
Could someone remind me never ever ever to get another dog when these two are gone? They are enraging. One has decided the living room is his personal bathroom (not sick) and the other eats everything we own. If someone dognapped them right now, I'd thank them. The baby is upset and I have no pacifiers because the dog ate them all. We have bought dozens for E already. It doesn't matter where they are...on top of counters, in his car seat, on his dresser...if it is not in a closed drawer for one SECOND, it's eaten. I absolutely lost it and shrieked at her like a crazy person this afternoon because I cannot take her horrible behavior. She has been through multiple trainings and is 13 years old. I am over it.
luv2rn4fun That's true. My strategy for the next two weeks is to stay busy. I figure it will make the time go by faster. I hate staying home days in a row on a normal basis.
I am horrible at staying home. Even if we just get out for a walk, I have to get us out of the house. Otherwise we all go crazy. We are home much more when DH is off on the weekends and I don’t enjoy it much at all. The boys are so much easier on me when we are away from home.
Now, if you end up with a couple days where you can’t go out (bad weather) then you can always try and see how it goes. But I am pretty sure I wouldn’t tackle PTing on top of wanting to stay busy. Those two don’t really go together and you need to do what’s best for you during those two weeks. Maybe you can start on a Sat when your DH is home and get through the first two days by tag teaming and then by Monday you can take the girls on a few little outings and gradually make them longer and longer until it’s no longer an issue being gone for a few hours.
luv2rn4fun unfortunately that won't work, lol. I've tried the positive thing before when he's wanted to stay home for whatever reason. The playing with friends isn't as enticing as I'd hope! He's been in a mommy phase so if I try to pick her up and not him it might turn into a meltdown but we're definitely going to need to figure something out because I'm not taking him every time! Maybe I can take off early a couple days to spend time with just him to "make up" for it. Not that he'll see it that way, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the one on one time anyway!
luv2rn4fun unfortunately that won't work, lol. I've tried the positive thing before when he's wanted to stay home for whatever reason. The playing with friends isn't as enticing as I'd hope! He's been in a mommy phase so if I try to pick her up and not him it might turn into a meltdown but we're definitely going to need to figure something out because I'm not taking him every time! Maybe I can take off early a couple days to spend time with just him to "make up" for it. Not that he'll see it that way, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the one on one time anyway!
C was the same way last week. He insisted on going but no way was I going to take him because it just didn’t make sense. They aren’t going to always go to the same appointments or do the same things, that’s just part of life. C is so used to always going everywhere with me though (and I guess L is too).
I agree that if you can have some special time with just E then that will definitely help. Good luck!
krystee I feel that way about my cats a lot. Pets can be so frustrating, especially dogs that chew things up I just have a cat that likes to puke and pee on everything. The other cat rarely has a hairball so it's really just the one that's on my nerves. We've had to throw out a few things (including the tummy time mat and play mat we had from E..I was PISSED that day and seriously considered rehoming) and he constantly uses toys and whatever other kid things are laying around to cover his puke. I'm seriously sick of it!
Ok, this is going to be a long and rambling rant. And also I apologize for not being around lately, still coming out of the fog that was March insane travel.
DH potty trained DS over the 4 day weekend. He did great - only 1 accident the first day. So we send him to daycare yesterday in underwear. Only to receive a call from the director that he has to wear a Pull Up for 2 weeks to prove he can stay dry. (Never mind that just last month they were complaining he was peeing through Pull Ups during guys, we potty trained him to specifically avoid accidents!) Anyway, DS did great and stayed dry all day even with wearing a diaper. So today he busts open his lip at daycare (2nd time this has happened, not blaming daycare, it is what it is.) So the newly potty trained kid is in the ER tonight waiting for stitches and yet he still insists on using the potty! So in summary, daycare can take their Pull Up rule and shove it.
luv2rn4fun I mean, it was nice to get both their checkups in at the same time, but trying to fill out forms, hold A, entertain/watch E and talk to the doctor/nurse all at the same time was a bit much, lol. My main concern though is if I come pick up A for her next appointment and don't pick up E that might be an issue. I have to walk through the preschool area to get to the baby room! We'll figure that out in 2 months.. lol.
When I do this, I call ahead and ask daycare to bring the baby and his belongings out to me in the parking lot. We have the same set up at our daycare too. G has a million appointments because of his GI issues and now with his ears. Sometimes I take them both (like last week when we went to G’s pre op appt) and it went exactly as you described above. I couldn’t concentrate on the dr because of all the chaos, lol.
I’m glad to hear L is sleeping better luv2rn4fun! It’s about time you got some good rest. Sorry about the screaming this morning though.
krystee the dog situation sounds really frustrating.
Tomorrow we have G’s tube surgery. I’m so relieved it’s finally here. His latest infection has been constant for about 5 weeks now and I feel awful that there wasn’t anything else I could do for him. He’s been on 4 different antibiotics and basically a constant dose of Motrin and he’s still uncomfortable. I’m a little nervous for the procedure esp because he can’t eat after midnight. I’m going to do a dream feed at 11:45 and hope for the best.
I also just found out my SIL is having a boy in September. My son will have three little boy cousins all within 14 months of each other. We see H’s siblings all the time so I can’t imagine how crazy events will be with 4 little boys running around. Very exciting! B will be the boss of them all, she’s declared.
luv2rn4fun I mean, it was nice to get both their checkups in at the same time, but trying to fill out forms, hold A, entertain/watch E and talk to the doctor/nurse all at the same time was a bit much, lol. My main concern though is if I come pick up A for her next appointment and don't pick up E that might be an issue. I have to walk through the preschool area to get to the baby room! We'll figure that out in 2 months.. lol.
When I do this, I call ahead and ask daycare to bring the baby and his belongings out to me in the parking lot. We have the same set up at our daycare too. G has a million appointments because of his GI issues and now with his ears. Sometimes I take them both (like last week when we went to G’s pre op appt) and it went exactly as you described above. I couldn’t concentrate on the dr because of all the chaos, lol.
That's a good idea but I'm not sure if they're able to do that or not. Plus I'd be afraid we'd forget something! Haha. I do wonder if they'd let me in the other door (it goes out to the street and the toddler and baby rooms are closest). Or I could call ahead and have them distract E.. they've done that for H when he's had to stop in to drop something off. Or.. just let DC deal with the meltdown. Lol.
Blue Moon I have 4 boys younger than me on my mom's side (I'm the youngest girl until A was born). One cousin is only about 6 years younger than me but the others are close in age - the older boy's brother is 18, and my oldest cousin's sons are 17 and 14. So yeah, family gatherings were interesting! They were always piling on each other, running around, yelling, etc. I miss them all being so little.. now the 25 year old is married, the 18 year old is out of school, the 17 year old is going to college next year and wants to be a pilot, and the 14 year old will be driving before we know it! Also, hope the surgery goes well!
Blue Moon- thanks! It’s been really nice and I hope he keeps it up! I have also been sleeping on the couch since I got sick (easier for my asthma and cough) so I don’t even have DH waking me up til his normal time! Anyways, sending lots of good luck prayers for G and you tomorrow!! I hope it goes perfectly smoothly!
suzv, that would be frustrating. I agree that they should have waited to tell you. My daycare lady text me a couple weeks ago, she was letting me know that after nap time DD was extra fussy, and she was having troubles keeping her happy. That was it, she never text me back after that and I had no idea what she wanted of me. I left dd at daycare because I didn’t want to pick her up just because she was fussy.
Blue Moon, E has 3 other little boy cousins all close in age. He's the youngest, and the oldest is only 9 months older than him. It is amazing and so fun at family gatherings. They entertain each other and all of us adults can talk.
Blue Moon, E has 3 other little boy cousins all close in age. He's the youngest, and the oldest is only 9 months older than him. It is amazing and so fun at family gatherings. They entertain each other and all of us adults can talk.
That’s the dream! The newest boy will likely go to the same daycare as my kids, so that will be fun as well. We all live only about 10 minutes apart. But somehow, we manage to live in three different towns so they will all be in different public schools though.
Blue Moonpooh8402- there are a total of 6 kids on my dads side of the family (including our two). Five are boys and one girl! I think we are all done having kids (at least the 3 couples who have them...there are still 3 other couples and another two cousins that aren’t married so still likely to have more kiddos in the future). They are all close in age...4 months old to 4 years old (L and the 4 month old are the youngest and the other 4 are really close). It’s alwsys fun when we get together, which sadly isn’t often enough but did happen at Easter this year!
C hasn’t napped since starting preschool at the end of Jan (maybe once at home and once when we went to Disneyland). He does quiet time in his crib every day but mostly plays. He even tells me he wants to play in his crib vs sleep (even though he is clearly tired). Today I bribed him with a fun size package of M&Ms and reminded him he can go to bed second/last if he naps...basically, “you can either play in your crib or play with your toys and DH after bath AND have candy if you take a nap”. I keep checking on him on the monitor and he is trying to sleep, which never happens. I hope he takes a nap...bedtime won’t be as easy but it sure will make the afternoon a little easier for me! Otherwise he’s in bed at 6:30 which seems so early. Even L goes to bed at 7 most nights.
ETA: he’s asleep! Now to find out what his currency was...M&Ms or staying up later than L! M&Ms have always worked for PTing but I had tried them a couple weeks ago and it didn’t work at all. Last night he threw a huge tantrum about wanting to play after bath and going to bed after L. Either way, I hope he starts napping again soon.
luv2rn4fun I'm jealous, bribery doesn't get E to go to sleep ever! Lol.
I called the billing department about the copay I'm being charged for a lactation consultant visit. First the lady interrupted me and said it's the insurance company charging the copay. Ok, listen to me.. it's coded as an office visit and my other two appointments weren't coded this way and I wasn't charged for them. I hear her mutter "whatever" then argue that it's correct because I saw a nurse. I called her out on being rude and she laughed. Wtf?? She's sending it over to coding to review and she's supposed to call me back but I'm not confident in anything being solved. I did find an email address on my bill for if my "concerns aren't addressed" so I'm keeping that handy for after she calls back. I was shaking I was so pissed about that phone call. She must be a seriously miserable person to talk to a customer like that for no reason!
estrellita- I hope the bill gets resolved and you don’t have to pay! How rude of that lady...when disputing my u/s copay the imaging place was super rude but my doctors office and insurance company were at least pleasant to deal with.
Thanks! I am very pleasantly surprised that it worked! It very rarely does and I usually just accept that he isn’t going to nap. But it makes the afternoon really difficult because he fights everything because he is so tired. I am hoping we have less meltdowns tonight (and he is nicer to L). He even slept in late this morning so it’s even more of a surprise...he was running a lot at the park but he also laid down on the equipment to “rest”...maybe something is up with him...IDK, just happy he is taking a nap!
Man, you people with your kids who sleep through the night. Jealous! C has been doing better with a 10pm & 2pm nursing sessions and no other wake ups after 10. But she struggles between bedtime and 10. Sometimes we have another nursing session because it becomes ridiculous at 2-3 wake ups in those few hours.
She's also been super clingy lately, which makes it hard to do things. She has very concrete feelings about her needs but won't communicate for them. Her signing is inconsistent, she doesn't talk yet, so she resorts to pulling and whining.
Other than those things, C's one of the happiest babies I know and an incredible tactile learner (mind you she's able to get into trouble and not out ahaha).