C woke up with congestion yesterday. He seemed ok even though he said he didn’t feel good and was sick. He had a hard time napping and going to bed (and was coughing a little last night). Curious to see how he is this morning. He’s supposed to go to preschool but I doubt I will have him go. L has his 18 month appointment this morning, which I purposely scheduled so I wouldn’t have to bring C.
This seems to happen anytime we have a Disneyland day planned (supposed to go tomorrow with my BFF). It’s like if I make plans to go one of them gets sick and then it’s a two week cycle before they are both better again. And I was finally feeling like my lungs are fully recovered this week after the last round...hopefully it doesn’t hit us so hard this time.
I am looking forward to L’s appointment though. I hope we can get some answers for his asthma and also troubleshoot why he’s such a horrible sleeper.
I'm trying to motivate myself to get us all dressed to go to Starbucks. I'm completely wiped today. We were suppose to have plans with my mom and grandma but my grandma ended up back in the hospital last night so my mom will be up there with her.
MIL is picking G up tomorrow to keep her Thurs-Sat. I'm thankful for sure. I won't get a break from both kids but having a break from 1 tremendously helps.
H is teething so we've been using Copaiba oil fairly often to help with that. Problem is that his fever is much higher than when L got a teething fever. Despite my many claims to Daycare about this, they have to go by state reg and send him home.
Now I know why people who work from home still use daycare/nannies. Yesterday was hilarious!
I'm trying to figure out what A's deal is every night. We usually feed her right away when she gets home because they apparently can only feed her on a schedule at DC (which is another annoyance.. she was being fed every 3 hours but was spitting up a ton so we asked them to go more like 3.5-4 hours so now they're doing exactly 4 hours... sigh) so she's usually due for a bottle when we get home. She eats that fine. Not too long after she just SCREAMS like crazy. We change her because her diaper is usually pretty full, and a lot of times I can tell she's tired, but she seems like she's in pain because she'll squirm around too. The doctor said at her 4 month checkup that her flaky skin could be a possible milk or egg intolerance - could that also be the screaming? She used to have lots of gas and seemed to have some discomfort after eating but it seemed to have gone away until recently. Will cutting back on dairy help, not completely cutting it out? I'm not sure how well I'd do if I had to completely cut it out but I could try not drinking milk and eating things like ice cream and such. I just hate that it might be something I'm doing that's causing her pain
Post by estrellita on Apr 18, 2018 17:20:08 GMT -5
OMG. I'm finally understanding why people dislike their ILs. I'm so frustrated. MIL has been lightly guilting H because she "never" sees her grandkids. I've been annoyed but brushed it off for a while. H just talked to FIL who told him that he should bring the kids there for a visit once in a while. He backtracked and said he was just the messenger when H got pissed. We just saw them not last weekend but the 2 before for Easter, then at a family birthday party. I think we saw them not too long before then too. Do we need to live at their house? They can come visit us too if they want but MIL doesn't like to leave the house. I'm over trying to make her feel better. She's jealous I think because we stay the night at my parents (they live further and it just makes more sense) and do more stuff with them (going places, vacations, etc) but that's because it's my mom's idea and they pay. I don't know what else to do to make her happy. Ugh!
MrsMB- I’m glad DD hasn’t had any fevers from teething at daycare. (She normally runs hot but not a fever)
estrellita- poor A, I hope whatever this is can be figured out and over with soon. Also I love that we live far away from the ILs because they would be like that too. We have visited (stayed with) them 5x since oct when we moved here. They came when we moved, to help pull a trailer with our stuff, and haven’t been back since. Fine the weather hasn’t been great and is going there means we get to see my family too. But they are retired (my parents are not) and constantly bitch that we don’t see them enough, so drive here or stop complaining.
Post by estrellita on Apr 18, 2018 18:31:27 GMT -5
awick14 I asked H what she'd do if we moved to another state and he said she'd be jealous even more because my parents would be able to fly to visit us whenever, lol. Ok, fair point (my dad works for an airline). But still. Her acting like this makes me want to bring the kids there even LESS. I just feel like it'll never be good enough for her so what's the point, you know? I think part of it is her mom died about a year and a half ago so maybe she just wants every possible second with her grandkids. Understandable, but not exactly practical. Just because we have a free weekend doesn't mean we want to go anywhere, lol. It's a huge pain getting 2 kids ready plus fitting pumping in.. It's just too much of a hassle right now and I thought she was understanding of that!
Post by luv2rn4fun on Apr 18, 2018 22:15:02 GMT -5
So many ((Hugs)) estrellita. Your MIL sounds annoying. Is there a reason she doesn’t like to leave her house? If she wants to see her grandkids more then she can make an effort too, shouldn’t just be on you and your H. DH’s parents have this tendency too, especially before recently, and they are retired with literally no social life (and capable of driving). We just did what we felt was best for our family and invited them to visit. It has meant that they don’t have a great relationship with the boys but there’s also more to that (we just saw them this weekend and DH feels like it’s never going to be what he wants, especially if his brother stays in the picture).
awick14- your ILs can totally come to you guys too. That’s craziness. Sorry you are dealing with that too (ILs are very similar so I totally get what you are going through). ((Hugs)). And thank you...C went to school and did ok but he’s totally not himself and his cough is now worse. No Disneyland tomorrow...just hoping they both sleep ok, L stays healthy (I can dream, right!?!), and C is over this sooner than later!
L’s appointment went well! He wants him to stay on his asthma meds which I think is smart (he had previously mentioned not needing them during non cold season). He also was positive and even congratulated me on BFing this long...for some reason it surprised me coming from a male pediatrician (which is totally on me...our first pediatrician didn’t really encourage BFing much because she was concerned about C’s weight (even though he always gained, he was just small...still is) so it’s always a surprise when someone brings it up in a positive light, especially at 18+ months (I told him my goal had been 12-18 months but now I have no idea when we will wean...just going with it for now...I mostly enjoy it and know these days will not come again).
As i’m typing this C woke up crying and sounds horrible. His cough is bad 🙁. Poor kiddo
Post by estrellita on Apr 18, 2018 22:24:24 GMT -5
luv2rn4fun She has a lot of health issues (lupus is the main thing, causes her to get sick easily and affects her weight among other things, and she also has pretty severe anxiety) that make it hard to do things. So for her getting out of the house is much more difficult than it is for most people. I can relate on the anxiety level but even with her health problems, she's very capable of going out and doing things. Especially if it's just to come sit at our house. I do think though that if she wants to see them so badly, why doesn't she come over or even offer to meet us somewhere? Not that they never do but I feel like it's always on us to pack up all 4 of us to cater to whatever they need which isn't really fair IMO.
luv2rn4fun She has a lot of health issues (lupus is the main thing, causes her to get sick easily and affects her weight among other things, and she also has pretty severe anxiety) that make it hard to do things. So for her getting out of the house is much more difficult than it is for most people. I can relate on the anxiety level but even with her health problems, she's very capable of going out and doing things. Especially if it's just to come sit at our house. I do think though that if she wants to see them so badly, why doesn't she come over or even offer to meet us somewhere? Not that they never do but I feel like it's always on us to pack up all 4 of us to cater to whatever they need which isn't really fair IMO.
Yeah, even with these details I still vote that they should make more of an effort. I don’t know how far away you guys live from them but we hardly go places that are further away (20 minutes). Obviously we have the exceptions and change in routine some days but it’s rare and I still take into account that the boys need sleep and rest (as do I). My parents live 15-20 min away and they almost always come here. ILs are staying at their house 1.5 hours away right now (they are usually 5 hours away) and I offered to meet them for a quick visit (2 hours or so). Even MIL realized that it’s just better if they do the drive so they can have a longer visit (and better quality). Both boys are horrible car sleepers so it’s made it hard (better now that they don’t have to nap all that much but still not a situation where we can be away from home all day every day).
luv2rn4fun they live about a half hour away, all back roads (county and state highways) so if it's snowy I understand because we don't like driving in that either. For comparison, my parents live about an hour and a half away in a suburb of a big city (and we drive mostly freeway through the busy suburbs to get there). So we've gone down just for the day before but a majority of the time it's easier to just stay at my parents. Plus when we go down there, we usually try to do things we can only do there (see other friends, go to certain stores, do certain activities).
luv2rn4fun, sorry C is so sick. I hate listening to them cough on the monitor! It always makes me so anxious. G has a cough too and I'm on edge waiting for it to escalate. Poor babies!
I am a little bit in shock because we just found out the the kids' daycare is suddenly closing in June. I felt so confident this was the right place for them, it worked so well for our family for many reasons. And now it's just gone. B only has one more year before kindergarten starts anyway, and I really don't want to have to transition her to something new for only one year. But alas we have no choice. I'm surprised how much it's stressing and upsetting me and my H is all "don't worry, we'll find something else."
Blue Moon- so sorry friend, for both G being sick and daycare closing. I would be very stressed. And I know the anxious/waiting to escalate roller coaster...I play that game every time L gets sick (and am doing so right now in anticipation of him catching C’s cold).
C is still sleeping. He woke up screaming at 5:45 and then went back to sleep. Poor little guy. Curious to see how today goes. It’s supposed to be “cold” with a chance of rain so we are likely stuck inside. And now he’s coughing on the monitor so will get him up.
Post by estrellita on Apr 19, 2018 15:30:43 GMT -5
I'm so frustrated with the pump at work. I just hand expressed a little which is not something I ever do, lol. But I was barely getting anything! I ordered another flange size and might try duck bills instead of the membranes.. any other suggestions? It's a medela symphony. I have the suction cranked up and push the letdown button a bunch. I try to massage too but I barely have to with my spectra! Hopefully the flanges are the issue. Ugh.
Post by HoneySpider on Apr 19, 2018 18:45:04 GMT -5
I find the Toys R Us/Babies R Us going out of business sale to be disappointing. They closed their website down SO fast, and I thought about taking a trip to the store just to browse and see if they have anything I need but the discount isn't even that great. So, nevermind.
Post by luv2rn4fun on Apr 20, 2018 16:58:04 GMT -5
C’s preschool is having a Mother’s Day tea. It is horrible timing (it’s not even the week of MD) because my parents are on vacation. On top of that the actual time of the event makes it impossible for my friends who also have kids in daycare and have to do pickup. They have a strict no sibling policy.
I am going to see if my neighbor wouldn’t mind taking L with her for her sons preschool pickup. Otherwise we might have to ask MIL, which is ridiculous because it’s a long drive for them for something that isn’t a long event (not to mention L doesn’t really know them so I don’t know how he would be).
Post by estrellita on Apr 20, 2018 19:47:58 GMT -5
Should A be eating more? She's usually pretty steady at five 4.5oz bottles per day so 22.5oz. Sometimes she'll have another and get up to 27. She's growing, but she's small. We've been trying to not feed her too often or too much because she spits up like crazy but I'm also afraid she's not eating enough. Maybe when she starts solids she'll start growing more? Thoughts?
HoneySpider I was disappointed the site shut down the so quickly. I did stop in a TRU yesterday to browse. Pretty much everything was fully stocked and only 10% off.
Post by estrellita on Apr 20, 2018 21:14:08 GMT -5
ewall Thanks for the reassurance! I just worry so much after she lost weight when I thought things were going well with nursing, plus I worry about keeping up with her intake. I'm paranoid that my just enough supply is making me think she needs less. Anxiety! Lol.
Post by luv2rn4fun on Apr 20, 2018 21:26:32 GMT -5
Thanks bk1ewall! I am hoping that somehow we find someone who can take L for the hour. I will be so bummed if I can’t go (and night even just keep C home that day to avoid him being disappointed that I am not there). We don’t have a lot of options as is and it’s even more limited because L is in such a mommy/separation anxiety phase. He would be ok with either of my parents, two of our neighbors, and one friend. Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal but with my parents being OOT and the time of day of the event it’s not looking good.
estrellita- C is super small, always has been (like he wasn’t even on the growth chart for awhile). At 3y4m he weighs less than 30 lbs and is about 36” tall. But, he has always followed HIS curve. So long as she is gaining and keeping her line then I wouldn’t worry. Some kids are just small (even L, who is by far my bigger kid, was only 30% for height...He is 24 lbs and 31.25” at almost 19 months).
Post by estrellita on Apr 20, 2018 21:37:29 GMT -5
luv2rn4fun E is small too (he's 27 pounds, 36 inches) and he was always in the 25th percentile but she's been lower than that. I think I worry so much because of pumping so it's a lot different than it was when E was a baby. I mostly stay ahead of her on the lower days but on the higher days I don't. It evens out and I have a small freezer stash, but it still stresses me out. I'm not opposed to supplementing either. Idk what my deal is, lol.
Post by HoneySpider on Apr 21, 2018 9:21:52 GMT -5
ewall It's so weird to me....I mean, they've said they are going out of business. Why not mark stuff down better and move it? They can't be selling much at 10% off.
Post by estrellita on Apr 21, 2018 22:58:04 GMT -5
Poor A. She's so miserable. She's been stuffy but now she seems to have a cough. It seems like she's having a little trouble breathing, like she has junk in her throat. I think I'm going to take her in tomorrow if she isn't better in the morning. I think we'll also have her sleep in the chair thing so she's more upright. It's probably just a cold and not much we can do but my anxiety would rather make sure it's nothing more serious. E has a bit of a cough too but his isn't this bad and we can at least give him the honey cough medicine to try helping!
Should A be eating more? She's usually pretty steady at five 4.5oz bottles per day so 22.5oz. Sometimes she'll have another and get up to 27. She's growing, but she's small. We've been trying to not feed her too often or too much because she spits up like crazy but I'm also afraid she's not eating enough. Maybe when she starts solids she'll start growing more? Thoughts?
E was bitty too, still is. Usually 25th-30th percentile his whole life. He usually ate 16-20 oz per day, going up to 24 oz during growth spurts (and up to 30 oz during his 6 month growth spurt, holy hell). He never really caught onto solids until about 9-10 months. His growth actually slowed once he started crawling.
Your A is at a healthy weight. As long as she is growing, she's doing fine. Spitting is okay too. My E spit up all the time, and didn't really stop until he was sitting more, about 6 months.
Should A be eating more? She's usually pretty steady at five 4.5oz bottles per day so 22.5oz. Sometimes she'll have another and get up to 27. She's growing, but she's small. We've been trying to not feed her too often or too much because she spits up like crazy but I'm also afraid she's not eating enough. Maybe when she starts solids she'll start growing more? Thoughts?
E was bitty too, still is. Usually 25th-30th percentile his whole life. He usually ate 16-20 oz per day, going up to 24 oz during growth spurts (and up to 30 oz during his 6 month growth spurt, holy hell). He never really caught onto solids until about 9-10 months. His growth actually slowed once he started crawling.
Your A is at a healthy weight. As long as she is growing, she's doing fine. Spitting is okay too. My E spit up all the time, and didn't really stop until he was sitting more, about 6 months.
Thank you! Poor girl spits up so much sometimes and E never really did, so I'm never sure what's normal. Most of the time she's fine and it just comes out randomly but sometimes she's fussy when it happens. Her gas issues seem to be getting slightly better and of course I wonder if something I'm eating is hurting her! Her skin is super flaky and dry and the pedi said that could be a dairy or egg intolerance. Of course I haven't really cut back on anything and I probably should to see if it helps