This is sort of a specific question, but has anyone charted temps while doing Invisalign treatment?
I charted temps with #1, and I found it really helpful. Now we are TTC #2, but unlike last time, I am now doing Invisalign. I wouldn't have predicted this, but the trays seem to make it hard to get an accurate oral temp. I've had trouble before donating blood and at doctor's appointments (it reads like 93 and doesn't want to go higher), and it takes forever to get it to read something reasonable.
I don't really want to take them out in bed to temp, because I usually leave them in through my shower until breakfast is ready in the AM, to minimize time with them out (I try for 22+ hours a day in). I also don't want to take them out, temp, (clean?), put back in, then take right back out to eat breakfast, blah blah. Especially since adding rubber bands, that's a huge PITA.
I'm trying to decide if all of this is worth it this time around. If I could figure out how to get a truly accurate temp with them in, great. But I don't think I would keep up with all the in/out/in/out/in/out if I have to take them out to temp. Has anyone else done this and have suggestions?
I suppose I could do that, although I admit I'd rather not. Ugh, as if giving up snacking, sipping coffee, and speaking clearly with Invisalign wasn't enough! I did not foresee all the areas of my life it would impact.