Any experience? DD has been taking them for a couple of months and it has been really nice. They seem to be helping her mood a great deal. She is happy, willing, has fewer mood swings and very few of any meltdowns.
I'm not familiar with NAC. Carnitine is on my radar.
I checked with DD's doctor about the ones in the title and she had no issues with trying. I have tried a few other things before, but with limited results. This combo has been better than I dreamed of, honestly. Normally if DD makes a mistake and I address it with her, whether it is a big deal that needs to be followed up with a punishment or even a small thing I just need to give a verbal reminder, DD will respond sullenly, argue, complain, finger point, etc. Everything is someone else's fault because ____ (fill in the blank). Maybe it's as simple as a reminder to wash hands after using the bathroom. She shouldn't always have to do it because she just did it or maybe one time she knows I didn't because I was about to cook and walked from the hall bath 4 steps to the kitchen sink and washed them there. Whatever, but there is always some back talk of some kind. These situations are just sooooo much easier now. She's also on meds that are well balanced right now, so it could just be that, but even after the meds were balanced this one thing was still an issue, so I did some research into dopamine and it came up with these supplements, which have just been helping so much. Now instead of complaining on whining or making excuses, she'll crack a joke or just do it.