I should've posted this first when I was here Monday, but of course I got pulled away half way through typing it. And I even had a good idea for the challenge that I of course can no longer remember. Well, here we go...
How are things going?
Challenge: Do something to brighten someone's day.
There were some rough patches in my week. I did get to know a neighbor a bit better, chatting about our gardens and exchanging recipes. We also had company over a couple of nights. MH, LO, and I spent some time doing activities outside together, which was especially nice since MH has been traveling a lot lately. I made good progress in my garden, so that feels good. I even spent a little time with my sewing machine, just mending but a couple of items were some favorites that I am happy to have back.
For what's left of this week, LO and I have some big baking plans. I have lunch plans with a friend one day. I'm hoping to do some more sewing. That's about it for specific plans.
I went to see the doctor last Friday, and it seems that I am getting better this week. I hope it continues to progress well and quickly.
We cancelled DS's eye appointment because he looked good at the Optometrist, so that is one less appointment. I just have cardiology to do in June, and that's it until November barring any illnesses and maybe the dentist.
I planned a get together with a friend for Sunday.
I'm a week behind, but last week was so busy I didn't have a chance to check in. DD1 had her first swim meet on Saturday. She was REALLY nervous, but she did it! This was all new to her, and she had to figure out how to dive in (she'd never done that before). She completed her event and didn't get disqualified! She's also been attending practices without complaints.
DD2 bridged to Girl Scout Brownies on Friday, so she was excited about that.
Challenge: I gave one of my friends a little thank you gift on Friday. We both had a stressful week last week.