My goal with cosmetic procedures is to not look like I've done cosmetic procedures. Seems like a no-brainer, except that I think a lot of folks lose perspective the more they do! I've done lots of IPL and botox for my 11s, and I think it all looks pretty natural. Anyway, just wondering if any of you have tried juvederm or radiesse for under-eye areas.
My inner under-eye area is super dark, sunken, and crepey. So I'm intrigued. On the other hand, the woman who does my botox has clearly done it, and it just looks perpetually puffy.
Any experience, cautionary tales, or endorsements?
I've done a bit of research into this because I'm at my wits end with these dark circles and "divots" under my eyes. Everything I've seen points to 2 types of Restylane (firm and original or silky) as the best injectable combo to correct our issue. The firm lifts the cheek a smidge and the other fills in whatever hollow space is left under the eye. Otherwise if they just inject something under the eye, you get puffiness and bags.
I'm just too chickenshit to follow through with doing it right now.