1. Where are you at on this journey (TTC #, Month/Cycle, CD, DPO)? TTC#1, lost count of cycle # (years worth), CD27, 10dpIUI w/ trigger
2. Any upcoming tests? I go on Friday for beta, I tested at 10dpiui and was negative but they told me not to test before 14dpiui, still not feeling it though. I'm prepared for negative and pretty much expecting it.
3. What are you excited for this week? Really nothing. Sadly. We're all in prep mode for Hurricane Florence, groceries, cutting back tree limbs that might fall in the strong winds. It go upgraded to a cat 4 this afternoon.
4. Questions, random? Random - DH and I celebrated our 20th dating anniversary (married 13 years, together since 1998) and he surprised me with a fancy dinner out. I think I died and went to heaven after that meal and 2 days later I'm STILL thinking about it. Yes, it was THAT good. Steamed sea bass with an Asian broth and crab fried rice, plus complimentary champagne and banana's foster, yes please!!!!!
megstoo hopefully you don't get any damages! That must be stressful to have that threat every year.
We're in Northern Virginia so I'm hoping it won't be THAT bad. I'm not so much worried about the rain as I am the winds with that amount of rain. EVERY single hurricane type storm we've had at least 1 tree got uprooted. I think total we've lost 13 tree's just to storms.
No testing for a while. I haven’t been ovulating until CD 25-28, so no opks for a bit.
We’re going to St Louis for my niece’s 2nd birthday party. I’m both looking forward to it and not. I haven’t seen my brother in a while, so that will be nice, but my sil is pregnant, so that sucks. Even after 4 years and a “fresh” slate, I’m still a bitter infertile.
One of my bffs told our friend group she’s pregnant on Saturday. That was a great CD 1 present. I started “operation lose weight and get pregnant” on Saturday. Counting calories, low-ish carb and going for a 30-45 min walk every day. Also going to do 30 day shred 5 days a week. I doubt it will help with actually getting pregnant, but I need to lose some (a lot of) weight.
1. Where are you at on this journey (TTC #, Month/Cycle, CD, DPO)? TTC #2, cycle 4, CD 9.
2. Any upcoming tests? OPKs later this week.
3. What are you excited for this week? I’m taking a goat yoga class with MIL on Saturday and my SIL/BIL are coming in from the west coast later this week. We haven’t seen them since last June so it’ll be great to see them again.
4. Questions, random? I was just presented with a big opportunity at work within the last week that I’m debating taking. It would mean a lot of training, going back to school a bit and a lot of focus so it has me questioning if right now is the right time to be TTCing. Obviously nothing is guaranteed with TTC and I’ve set 35 as a personal limit for having babies (I’ll be 34 in a couple months) so I have a lot of thinking to do. I know I can be fulfilled with just DS but I would ultimately like to have another baby. I’m just mentally in a super weird place right now. We may go back to not super actively trying for a bit until I come to a conclusion.
3. It's a pretty low key week, not much exciting (good or bad) going on.
4. I'm away on a work trip--on CD 12-13, getting back the wee hours of the morning on CD 14. I like the city I'm in, and had a good meeting and client dinner tonight, but fucking timing, man. Sunday night we tried before I left because it was likely our only shot this month, but it was so unenjoyable. We-have-to-right-now makes something that should be fun, so forced and unenjoyable.