1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO) 2. Any upcoming tests? 3. What is 1 thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish in the next 5 years (NOT related to starting/growing a family). 4. Something Random about your week or random question?
1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO) TTC1, cycle3, CD10
2. Any upcoming tests? monitoring again tomorrow, I had a monitoring on Monday to check follicle size and I had to do a gonal f shot last night (ouch)
3. What is 1 thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish in the next 5 years (NOT related to starting/growing a family). I really want to sky dive
4. Something Random about your week or random question? It's so nice to finally have the AC off. Granted it's cold and dreary but fresh air. Also worried my IUI this cycle will be cancelled, I had 1 larger follicle at 13mm but I had 6 others at 11mm. If I have to many large follicles they'll cancel for risk of triplets (or more).
Post by jennistarr1 on Sept 25, 2018 10:48:03 GMT -5
1. Where are you at on this journey? TTC#2, since last July, CD13 2. Any upcoming tests? you know I just remembered I have ovulation kits someone passed on to me, I can try those 3. What is 1 thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish in the next 5 years (NOT related to starting/growing a family). Yeah, so I'm "working" on my dissertation. It would be nice if I accomplished that, in 5 years, I have my doubts 4. Something Random about your week or random question? My husband is dragging his feet on planning on going away THIS WEEKEND
1. TTC #2, cycle 6, CD28, 11dpo. Hanging in the "no CD1 and no BFP" limbo.
2. I've tested EOD the last couple days, all BFNs. Not because EOD is special or anything, I just have a hunch/symptom, test, get a BFN, and spend the next >24 hours bummed about the BFN and swearing not to test again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Today I skipped. Tomorrow I'll probably test. 12dpo was when I got my first BFP with my DD, so FX.
3. I have some financial milestones I'd like to hit.
4. I really busted my ass this past summer working on our landscaping. I'm thinking of it this week because I have a box of 100 daffodil bulbs sitting on my front porch waiting to be planted. I planted a new dogwood, 3 new hydrangeas, a few dozen day lilies, a dozen or so astilbes, 3 lavender, 2 dianthus, 2 dwarf alberta spruce, and soon to be 100 daffodils this year. My plan was that I'd get to see it all bloom for the first time next year, when I am hoping to not really be in yard work condition. Here's to hoping.
1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO) TTC #2, cycle 4, cd 24, 4 dpo.
2. Any upcoming tests? Probably not. We didn’t manage to successfully BD past O-3 due to schedules and H getting too in his head. Don’t plan on testing unless I’m late.
3. What is 1 thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish in the next 5 years (NOT related to starting/growing a family) Family vacation to Iceland. We’re off to visit my family in Germany in December which will be our last big trip for a bit.
4. Something Random about your week or random question? Is it time for my vacation yet? Work is nuts right now.
Post by rikiteacup on Sept 25, 2018 16:05:06 GMT -5
1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO)
TTC #1, 6/6, CD 13
2. Any upcoming tests?
Doing OPK right now as this is my fertile week. Another round of being excited, then super hopeful and *crossing my fingers* excited again or completely down. This TTC rollercoaster is getting old.
3. What is 1 thing on your bucket list you want to accomplish in the next 5 years (NOT related to starting/growing a family).
Going to Japan or going back to school. I don't know what for though. New degree or graduate degree.
4. Something Random about your week or random question?
This is going to be a boring week. Weather is cold and it's raining, nothing excited planned... I have like zero motivation to do anything.
Post by biogirl21 on Sept 25, 2018 20:58:26 GMT -5
TTC #2. Cycle 3. CD 18.
Started OPKs this week. Not feeling optimistic. Lots of semi watery CM though.
I’d like to get at least 2 of MH’s student loans paid off. I’d also like to pass the Echo boards and get a better paying job.
I hate how obsessive TTC makes me. I’ve been walking every evening and it’s pretty much all I can think about for the 30-45 minutes. It sucks. I wish everyone that wants a baby could just have it. Why does it have to be so hard.