if you are a parent of a child with SN, or you work/volunteer in the SN community, would you mind doing this brief survey for me? It's completely anonymous and would greatly help me with a class project. Shouldn't take much longer than 5min. goo.gl/forms/B996Dd8T5oRTaPF13
I'm doing this survey b/c of a grad school class which has a semester-long project of designing a web interface. Not a real site as I'm not going to program it. Just designing how it would look. I'm doing a site that is basically a place for parents to share specific/detailed info with other parents about what SN services/accommodations/etc their kid receives at school. It's been a huge source of frustration for me personally with my DS2 that I can only find generic info and zero specifics about how the services are implemented. I would love to bounce some ideas off you guys in the future about it so I'm not just basing this on my own experience, but I'm not at that stage yet. The point I'm at is getting some background on potential users of my fake site so that I can write up some user "personas". You would have my undying love and appreciation if you were able to take my little survey!