Can anyone whose had one give me an idea of what to expect? I didnt have one last time around we did IF treatments, but I've read up on how it's done. Just looking for personal experiences on what to expect. The nurse basically told me to take Advil before and have a driver for afterwards and that's it. Thanks!
I did not have a biopsy done when I had mine done. But the procedure itself was fairly easy recovery and they gave me pain relief while it was being done, in my IV I had, so it was pretty painless.
I did initially ask for no pain meds as I had to work the night shift that day, and the procedure was very painful initially. But then I said I would call in sick to work and they gave me pain meds that helped instantly. (So don’t do what I did)
They would not allow me to drive for 12 hrs or something afterwards because of the meds.
I imagine a biopsy wouldn’t be much more painful, if at all, as they scraped some tissue away to clean up my uterus during my procedure.
Post by Jalapeñomel on Oct 13, 2018 19:49:07 GMT -5
I had no issues with this procedure at all, but I had mine done after I had already had a child (sometimes that makes a difference with some of these procedures, I think). The doc told me to take the next day off work, but I think it was unnecessary for me.
And awick14 gave me the same advice above, which I really appreciated!
I had 2 done. The first one they did they also cut out 15 polyps and I bleed and was in pain for several days. I actually threw up on the way home as well.
The second one I had done went a lot smoother but I also didnt have the polyps removed the second time. I was sore but was up and moving around later on that day.
Post by cherryvalance on Oct 14, 2018 8:15:52 GMT -5
Because my RE figured I had polyps, I elected to go under for my hysteroscopy and have a polypectomy at the same time. The worst part for me was the anesthesia, even though I was under for no time. I think they took out 5 polyps.
I did have minor bleeding/spotting and some cramps, but I was okay with OTC medicine.
My experience was similar to cherryvalance, my doctor only does them under anesthesia. I got a ride home, and was fine by myself laying on the couch resting on and off the rest of the day. I did not need any OTC medicine after the fact, and I had three polyps removed and biopsyed.