I have this urge to tell you everything about my life and all that's happened in the last few months, but that would be complete and utter shambles.
So I'll just say I'm very excited to finally have a job where I get a Christmas bonus. I'm very excited about my next paycheck. My company did really well this year
I'm stuffing a pork tenderloin for dinner tonight...serving with asparagus and cauliflower mash
Today is pajama day at work, so I'm super cozy today!
In a meeting at work today someone Alex me to say what I'm grateful for about 2018 and I was stumped. Of course now that I'm out of the meeting I can identify a bunch of good things, but in that moment all I could think about what politics, which was not helpful.
I feel like i'm coming down with something. Of course, I'm also super stressed while at work, so I am not sure if I'm actually getting sick or if I just need to unwind. I'm all foggy-brained and my fingers refuse to type letters in the correct order - I caught even my own name typed incorrectly today. Our annual employee survey went out this week, and I really took delight in filling up all the free text boxes with how I feel management is doing, LOL. I'm sure they'll be delighted to receive my response!
Oh, and I haven't yet bought an anniversary card for M. I really need to take care of that before the weekend.
It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday! I had some serious insomnia over the weekend and I think I'm on the tail end of that now. It was not fun at all. Today is the first day I don't feel like I'm completely drunk all day.
Post by bullygirl979 on Dec 12, 2018 16:39:45 GMT -5
doriswe, I feel your pain. I randomly woke up at 4:30am last night and couldn't go back to sleep. I feel like I'm going to face plant. And, of course, I have plans for a girls night and don't want to back out so I think I'll just leave early. Thank goodness it'll be low key.
Post by bullygirl979 on Dec 12, 2018 16:41:22 GMT -5
I feel like this is kinda crazy but I may pull the trigger and buy some countertops. We really like them but don't LURVEEEEEE them. However, we are being SUPER picky about material and price so I feel like we may not actually find something better. I'm afraid if I pass on it, I may regret my decision.
I feel like this is kinda crazy but I may pull the trigger and buy some countertops. We really like them but don't LURVEEEEEE them. However, we are being SUPER picky about material and price so I feel like we may not actually find something better. I'm afraid if I pass on it, I may regret my decision.
Due to my procrastinating ways, instead of getting a couple nixplay frames directly from the site at 25% off, I had to order thru Amazon at full price. I had the damn things in my nixplay cart last Friday and forgot my password. I got up to go get my password book and got distracted (story of my life) and finally remembered to finish the purchase Sunday night. Low and behold by then they were sold out. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when I will ever learn?
I feel like this is kinda crazy but I may pull the trigger and buy some countertops. We really like them but don't LURVEEEEEE them. However, we are being SUPER picky about material and price so I feel like we may not actually find something better. I'm afraid if I pass on it, I may regret my decision.
did you take a picture?
I did! We found one we loved, but it was $3,500 more. Neither one of us feels like the extra $3,500 is worth it. This one is more in line with what we want to spend, and we do really like it.
I did! We found one we loved, but it was $3,500 more. Neither one of us feels like the extra $3,500 is worth it. This one is more in line with what we want to spend, and we do really like it.
I did! We found one we loved, but it was $3,500 more. Neither one of us feels like the extra $3,500 is worth it. This one is more in line with what we want to spend, and we do really like it.
Did you bite the bullet?
Not yet. This week has been insane. I'm going to call and make an appointment to go back on Monday. They are only open 9-5 Mon-Friday so it's hard if work is crazy.