1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO) TTC#2, cycle #2, CD 28, 11 DPO.
2. Any tests this week? I’m trying to wait until 13 or 14 dpo to test. I’m the worst symptom spotter ever and I feel like we’ve been successful but my boobs don’t hurt so maybe we haven’t. I’ve got a pretty strong triphasic pattern as of 7DPO and I have been having period like cramps without the period so maybe? Or maybe I’m just imagining things and my stomach is mad from all the rich foods or I’m sick or something.
3. Do you live in an urban, suburban, rural, or village/town? We currently live in a large suburb (90,000ppl) but are moving to a village of 3,500 and I’m both excited and panicked about it. We will still be within 30 minutes of a city if 1M (technically still within city limits) and this will be a shorter commute for both of us so it makes sense since our jobs have both moved out of the city.
4. Questions, randoms? I’m glad the holiday season is over. Work is going to be rough this month but January is always a crunch time for us.
2 I tested Saturday at 8 DPO and it was negative, of course. Trying to be smart about it and wait until at least 12 DPO when my period would normall start. I haven’t had any “symptoms” at all. I was a little crampy on Friday and Saturday. It’d be way early anyway.
3 I live in a very rural area. I’m from a village of 1000 people, currently live in the outskirts of a village of 1800 in the same county. There’s a corn field across the street from my house, that’s how rural we are. But we’re around 90 minutes from Chicago and 45 minutes north of South Bend Indiana, so its never felt very small. I used to live in Ann Arbor in college/shortly after. I miss the liberal-ness of it. Unfortunately I live in a very red area.
4 just chugging along. Continually annoyed at my pregnant coworker who apparently knows nothing about pregnancy despite being a sonographer. Keeps eating sugary cereal for breakfast and wondering why she feels like crap. Tells me about how she pukes every morning and is annoyed by it, like it’s not a normal part of pregnancy or something.
Post by chocolatelove on Jan 7, 2019 18:36:56 GMT -5
1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO) TTC#2, cycle 4, CD 5
2. Any tests this week? I’ll start OPK in a few days.
3. Do you live in an urban, suburban, rural, or village/town? We live in the suburbs of a fairly large city.
4. Questions, randoms? All my “extras” start this week and next after a few weeks off. I feel so good and not stressed, and then realize I am barely doing any of the extra stuff (school, volunteer positions, etc).
Well. Last night DH decided I was pregnant since the cats would literally not get off of me (they don’t like being on people so this was oddball behaviour). I took a test just now and it is positive. Only symptoms have been cramps any time I think about them (so pretty mild but consistent) and feeling cold (but measuring 0.1 degree Celsius higher on the BBT thermometer). Here’s hoping this is a sticky baby! ETA: now that I’ve looked at myself in the mirror this morning I can add the exciting symptom of acne breakout to my list. Those weren’t there yesterday.
1. Where are you at on this journey? (TTC#, month/cycle, CD, DPO)
TTC1, CD80?
2. Any tests this week?
Nothing, I need to call the RE to get an ultrasound probably next week. They'll either have me force a period or just start stim's without one.
3. Do you live in an urban, suburban, rural, or village/town?
We're in a fairly large suburb, I'm about 30 minutes outside of DC
4. Questions, randoms?
DH and I are back in WI visiting family for "Christmas" and already I want to be back at home. We got here last night and already my FIL has stressed me out. I'll go see my dad later today and he'll stress me out more so it's really a lose-lose situation.
I am TTC #2 after 2 MCs. I am on cycle #8, day 9. We aren’t trying this month to give my body time to heal. DH and I are starting testing. We had bloodwork this morning and met with my OB. DH is getting a sperm analysis on Friday. Beginning of next cycle I will do the HSG test. My OB said if I do get pregnant again to call and make sure I get on progesterone right away. Hoping for some answers...
I’m feeling pretty lost. I passed what I assume to be the majority of the pregnancy last night. Today I just feel so sad and empty. My doctors office had to have a big consult about me yesterday to decide if I needed to get the rhogam shot since I’m RH negative. H is also a negative blood type so after some discussion between several GPs and an OBGYN it was determined that I don’t have to which is one less thing. I had more bloodwork this morning to check on the HCG levels and depending on how that and the rest is the bleeding goes I may or may not have to have an ultrasound.
They said we can start TTCing again after 2 weeks of pelvic rest provided I feel physically and emotionally ready. I felt good about the pregnancy for a couple days and was pretty symptomatic similar to my first pregnancy with DS but when I woke up on Friday I had a really bad feeling and kind of knew I was going to lose it, but spent that weekend peeing on sticks and literally begging god and all my dead female family members not to take it from me. It was a pretty low point for me.
I’m so sorry achi. I had two CPs at 5 and 6 weeks before DD and both times were heartbreaking. Big hugs. I can totally respect the call to your ancestors. Who knows what might help, right?
achi I knew too when I was going to miscarry. It’s very weird to have an idea before it happens. We won’t be trying until next month, but hopefully by then we have some answers.