As in: after I put on a sports bra, checking to make sure my nips are aligned.
Because you know, sometimes in the process of wrestling it on, they get strapped in all cockeyed (and that looks even *less* cute than usual in race photos).
I do the boob fix too - sports bra, bathing suit, tri top. All of it.
I can't be the only one who has used a long sleeve tech t as a base layer in cold weather. They wick!!!! Last week I taught in jeans, one of my Philly half long sleeve tech t's, and a sweater over it. Presentable on the top, wicking base layer on the bottom!
God yes. I hate when I pop in the bathroom during a run and realize I’d been running for an hour with the ladies pointing in completely opposite directions.
I need to incorporate a training plan for Kegels bc this isn’t just snissing....this is straight up COLD season and whenever I cough I completely pee my pants.
There is no such thing as the perfect outfit for any weather condition. In the summer I wish I could run being naked (but see also: sportsbra woes), and in the winter it's called having one too many or too few layers for your run.
Yeah, often it's "do I want to be cold at the beginning and then perfect when I warm up, or fine at the beginning and then too hot?" But actually I remember that sometimes low tech is best for that. When I was a tween, I used to run every day with my mom and we wore matching hoodies that were at least a decade older than me. They were perfect, because you could start with the hood up, even hats and gloves on, then when you got warmer put the hood down and puts hats/gloves in the big front pocket. The sleeves were just long enough that I could pull my hands inside too, if it wasn't really cold enough for gloves. When it was really cold, we'd just add another layer under them. And they were loose enough that if you got a little warm, you could just lift up the bottom for a moment to let the cold air in.
There is no such thing as the perfect outfit for any weather condition. In the summer I wish I could run being naked (but see also: sportsbra woes), and in the winter it's called having one too many or too few layers for your run.
Yes, I usually go with freezing my ass off for the first mile so I can be mostly comfortable for the rest without carrying layers I had to strip off.