We've got betas, retrevials, and transfers galore this week! Good luck to everyone!
I have another u/s on Wednesday, and hopefully will get my official transfer date then! (tentatively its the 27th right now) So close, but so far away still. I start PIO later this week, so I'm psyching myself up for starting that!
Post by seeyalater52 on Feb 17, 2019 13:29:44 GMT -5
Yay I’m so excited for you to have your date finalized!
I tested this morning at 5dp5dt and now I hate myself. Negative, obviously. I know its a little early still but I really don’t understand why IVF doesn’t seem to work for me. It makes me so sad and frustrated to feel like the only person on the planet who just cannot get pregnant from treatment for no discernible reason.
Yay I’m so excited for you to have your date finalized!
I tested this morning at 5dp5dt and now I hate myself. Negative, obviously. I know its a little early still but I really don’t understand why IVF doesn’t seem to work for me. It makes me so sad and frustrated to feel like the only person on the planet who just cannot get pregnant from treatment for no discernible reason.
It's definitely still early, you aren't out yet! But I also know what mindf*ck the TWW is, so I completely understand your feelings. ((Hugs)) The best advice I can give is just try to keep your mind busy and dont give up hope until you have your beta!
seeyalater52, noooo too early. You're still in it!
Prepping for retrieval tomorrow morning. I don't have tomorrow off (my H does), so I'm using a sick day. I get stressed about missing work (I manage 8 clients at a marketing agency), so I'm hopefully going to get some stuff organized today, but I'm also trying not to stress. I've had monitoring appointments everyday since Friday, which means getting up at 5/6. I hope to sleep in again someday.
I've also never done a fresh transfer before, so that's exciting. And so soon. Most likely Saturday, I guess.
Yay I’m so excited for you to have your date finalized!
I tested this morning at 5dp5dt and now I hate myself. Negative, obviously. I know its a little early still but I really don’t understand why IVF doesn’t seem to work for me. It makes me so sad and frustrated to feel like the only person on the planet who just cannot get pregnant from treatment for no discernible reason.
Your not out yet, it’s still early and for some the tests aren’t as accurate.
Beta set for Wednesday and of course it’s supposed to snow/freezing rain that morning. Fighting the urge to test early.
Post by landmermaid on Feb 17, 2019 20:04:57 GMT -5
You're definitely not out yet seeyalater52. I know it's so hard to look at that negative test though and not be disappointed. You're still early. I hope this is it for you!
Post by chocolatepie on Feb 17, 2019 21:14:58 GMT -5
seeyalater52 I am still holding hope for you - don't give up! It's still early.
My transfer is tomorrow afternoon and I'm going for all the old wives tales; I have my pineapple core, told DH we are driving through Mickey D's for fries, and I'm ready to wear socks and eat warm foods for a week. So much seems out of my control so this at least gives me things I can do (even if they mean nothing). My friend, who also did IVF, sent me a t-shirt to wear tomorrow that says "wake and pray it's transfer day" so I'll be that girl. No shame.
I'm taking the day off so I can go to acupuncture in the morning and I think you're supposed to go again afterwards? I'm using a community acupuncture center so I can come and go whenever, which is nice.
My doc says research shows embryos tend to respond better if you just return to regular activities but it seems so weird! Do y'all do anything special on transfer day? Nice dinner out? Bedrest?
OH! My DH was the one who freaked at the trigger shot and couldn't give it. He has been able to give my PIO shots each night and they aren't bad! Mine don't hurt - yet. Just pinch a little. But I totally do the ice/heating pad/warm it up first routine and that probably makes a difference.
chocolatepie I’m pretty sure the most recent literature shows some advantage to resuming your normal activities, although I usually take it easy on transfer day (although clearly my track record is not very good.) This transfer I got custom socks that say “baby [lastname]” on them. Sorry not sorry!
Yay I’m so excited for you to have your date finalized!
I tested this morning at 5dp5dt and now I hate myself. Negative, obviously. I know its a little early still but I really don’t understand why IVF doesn’t seem to work for me. It makes me so sad and frustrated to feel like the only person on the planet who just cannot get pregnant from treatment for no discernible reason.
Oh man, sorry about that! I’m not giving up hope for you yet, it’s still early!!
seeyalater52 I am still holding hope for you - don't give up! It's still early.
My transfer is tomorrow afternoon and I'm going for all the old wives tales; I have my pineapple core, told DH we are driving through Mickey D's for fries, and I'm ready to wear socks and eat warm foods for a week. So much seems out of my control so this at least gives me things I can do (even if they mean nothing). My friend, who also did IVF, sent me a t-shirt to wear tomorrow that says "wake and pray it's transfer day" so I'll be that girl. No shame.
I'm taking the day off so I can go to acupuncture in the morning and I think you're supposed to go again afterwards? I'm using a community acupuncture center so I can come and go whenever, which is nice.
My doc says research shows embryos tend to respond better if you just return to regular activities but it seems so weird! Do y'all do anything special on transfer day? Nice dinner out? Bedrest?
OH! My DH was the one who freaked at the trigger shot and couldn't give it. He has been able to give my PIO shots each night and they aren't bad! Mine don't hurt - yet. Just pinch a little. But I totally do the ice/heating pad/warm it up first routine and that probably makes a difference.
My Dr told me that there is some evidence that bed rest can actually have a negative effect after transfer. She told me to just take it easy but that there was no reason to not walk around and do stuff. On the other hand, my friend’s doctor told her to do bed rest the day after - he mentioned to her that it was controversial.
Yay I’m so excited for you to have your date finalized!
I tested this morning at 5dp5dt and now I hate myself. Negative, obviously. I know its a little early still but I really don’t understand why IVF doesn’t seem to work for me. It makes me so sad and frustrated to feel like the only person on the planet who just cannot get pregnant from treatment for no discernible reason.
Do not give up hope...it is still very very early! I am thinking all good thoughts for you.
So far the bloodwork we did with the RE came back normal. Still waiting for some more results, but I think another portion will be posted tomorrow night.
Also waiting for AF to show up so I can do my day 3 testing and saline sonogram. I think I Oed late so probably not coming until next week.
My mom told me on Friday that my brother who came out as being gay 20 years ago has told her he is only planning to only date women. I am not sure what to think or if possibly my mom isn’t understanding correctly, so I am going to call him soon to see what’s going on. Last time we spoke he talked about starting a family so I don’t know if that’s part of it. I also feel like he should hear it from me about his possibly shitty genetics if he’s about to embark on parenthood. He’s 39 and it effects male fertility more than female.
March is going to be a long month of waiting so I am trying to plan a weekend getaway with DH.
Good luck everyone this week! For my transfer, I had it done on a Thursday and stayed home the next day. I just treated it like a weekend but waited to grocery shop, do laundry etc on the actual weekend. But, absolutely didn't do bedrest. I felt normal after the transfer and getting to pee I was freezing though during because I was practically naked.
I switched to all warm or neutral temp foods- stopped eating ice cream which I love and miss. No real reason why, just went with the warming foods. Cheese, milk etc didn't help with the iui's so I didn't bother.
I’m home and SORE this time. We got 31 eggs. The number of eggs has never been the problem. A little nervous about not using ICSI this time. Tomorrow’s report on how many were mature and how many fertilized will be much more informative and really show if we’re on a better path.
Things I’ve changed up with the new doc: - metformin (since November) - much bigger doses of omnitrope (hgh) - adding cetrotide - 2 trigger shots (lupron and hcg) - low carb diet - no caffeine - no ICSI - fresh transfer
Post by seeyalater52 on Feb 18, 2019 13:39:43 GMT -5
msmerymac, glad it’s off to a good start! I hope the changes you’ve made help with your yield of quality embryos. Hang in there the next few days and take it easy while you recover!
chocolatepie I hope your transfer went well today! I didn't do anything special after mine...just took it easy the day of, but went back to normal activity the day after. I wasn't given any special instructions other than no vigorous activity, no sex/orgasm for a few days and a 25lb lifting restriction
seeyalater52 you are NOT out yet! It is still SO early and you have plenty of time to get those positives!
msmerymac sounds like your retrieval went great! Hoping that you get a great report tomorrow!!
Just FYI we usually ask people to put any positives in a separate clearly marked post, just so folks can go in to congratulate and not be caught off guard with announcements in the main thread. Cautious congrats to you.
Just FYI we usually ask people to put any positives in a separate clearly marked post, just so folks can go in to congratulate and not be caught off guard with announcements in the main thread. Cautious congrats to you.
I’m so sorry. I’m going to go back and edit. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.
Just FYI we usually ask people to put any positives in a separate clearly marked post, just so folks can go in to congratulate and not be caught off guard with announcements in the main thread. Cautious congrats to you.
I’m so sorry. I’m going to go back and edit. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.
It’s ok! We ❤️ you! Please make a post so we can celebrate with you!
Just FYI we usually ask people to put any positives in a separate clearly marked post, just so folks can go in to congratulate and not be caught off guard with announcements in the main thread. Cautious congrats to you.
I’m so sorry. I’m going to go back and edit. I didn’t mean to upset anyone.
It’s not personal! BFPs are really really hard for some of us, so we all try to be as sensitive as we can to those who are struggling.
Post by chocolatepie on Feb 18, 2019 19:55:54 GMT -5
My first transfer was today so I thought I'd share my experience
We transferred 2 - one was 4BB and one was 4BC. I am 40 years old and this was a fresh, 5 day transfer. These were the best we had and they are unsure if any of the remaining will make it to freeze, which was hard to hear but I'm determined not to cry until they call me tomorrow with the final decision.
Pap smears for me are hell and this is super similar. Doctor told me why it's hell on me - I have an hourglass cervix (?) that evidently makes the process like "digging for gold." He was super apologetic and as quick and gentle as possible but ended up having to change out to another speculum and try again. The nurse had me doing deep breathes so I could try and unclinch and not cry. They had me take a Valium but I don't think it did anything.
He said they were placed in a great spot and my lining was 13mm, which he said is double what they have to have so that was encouraging.
I did acupuncture this morning and the acupuncturist said I could come back afterwards but even 24-48 hours later shows value so I'm going tomorrow after lunch instead.
While my doctor on Friday said to return to regular activities, today they advised bed rest the rest of today and then light duty the next 5 days. I took advantage of the bed rest advice and let my DH wait on me today
They don't do the blood test until 2 weeks from today (I was hoping it would be more like 10 days). My mother will be visiting that day sooooo I gotta figure that out. I tentatively plan to test ourselves prior so I can pretty much know the answer prior. That will probably make the decision on how much to tell her (I've told her nothing).
seeyalater52 - i'm with everyone else, too early! you aren't out yet!
msmerymac - hope you are feeling better today and got to catch-up on some rest!
lexisgrrl1980 - my beta is thurs and i'm in the 'test early or not' internal debate as well. since this is my first treatment cycle i've never dealt with this before, and i'm thinking i might test wednesday or thurs AM since i really don't want to be finding out via a phone call in the middle of a work day. i'm a teacher, and depending on when they call me, it's just not possible to have a private conversation, or take some time to myself if the news is bad.
chocolatepie - thanks for sharing your experience. hope that the 2WW goes by quickly for you!
Post by seeyalater52 on Feb 19, 2019 4:41:33 GMT -5
chocolatepie congrats on what sounds like a very successful transfer! I’m sorry it was painful for you. Paps are very painful for me and my transfers have been similar, mostly speculum related (my cervix is fine.) I hope those embryos are getting snuggled in and you get good news about the other embryos.
robinsbff good luck this week! I always test because the thought of waiting for them to call all day makes me miserable.
@wise_rita it’s almost go-time! Hope those eggs are getting nice and ripe!
Aaaaand I fucked up my trigger so got half the dose 6 minutes apart.
I was thrown off by the Ovidrel pen (like the Gonal-f pen). I was expecting a pre-filled syringe.
You need to twist up the dosage just like with Gonal-f. I thought it would be ready to go because the whole pen is one dose. Not so.
I'm glad I was paranoid and not convinced I got it all in the first jab. It was impossible to tell if there was any liquid left in the pen when half of it was gone.
Be warned: it's not gone until the inner grey plunger has been pushed up to the needle!
Aaaaand I fucked up my trigger so got half the dose 6 minutes apart.
I was thrown off by the Ovidrel pen (like the Gonal-f pen). I was expecting a pre-filled syringe.
You need to twist up the dosage just like with Gonal-f. I thought it would be ready to go because the whole pen is one dose. Not so.
I'm glad I was paranoid and not convinced I got it all in the first jab. It was impossible to tell if there was any liquid left in the pen when half of it was gone.
Be warned: it's not gone until the inner grey plunger has been pushed up to the needle!
How Not to Fuck Everything Up by Wise Rita
That’s ok! Really this is like the best “fuck everything up” scenario ever, because you got the whole dose in you within 15 mins of your stated timeframe. Your eggs are ripening as we speak.
Those pens can be really stupid, definitely plenty of user error during my IVF as well. 😉
Aaaaand I fucked up my trigger so got half the dose 6 minutes apart.
I was thrown off by the Ovidrel pen (like the Gonal-f pen). I was expecting a pre-filled syringe.
You need to twist up the dosage just like with Gonal-f. I thought it would be ready to go because the whole pen is one dose. Not so.
I'm glad I was paranoid and not convinced I got it all in the first jab. It was impossible to tell if there was any liquid left in the pen when half of it was gone.
Be warned: it's not gone until the inner grey plunger has been pushed up to the needle!
How Not to Fuck Everything Up by Wise Rita
That’s ok! Really this is like the best “fuck everything up” scenario ever, because you got the whole dose in you within 15 mins of your stated timeframe. Your eggs are ripening as we speak.
Those pens can be really stupid, definitely plenty of user error during my IVF as well. 😉
After extensive Googling I'm convinced I haven't ruined my whole cycle. Your words are reassuring.
OMG why can't everything just be pre-filled syringes? So much easier! It's not like Ovidrel doses vary like Gonal-f.