And I have decided to begin sleep training tonight. E2 went from being easy to put down and sleeping 10-12 hours, to being impossible to put down and waking 2-3 times a night. In a span of about a week and a half. Yay 4 month sleep regression. He's currently screaming his head off while I'm ferbering.
DS slept an hour longer than usual last night!! Of course this was completely negated by DD unusually waking up screaming for us in the middle of the night and needing a snuggle to get back to sleep.
Mine isn’t a newborn anymore! 😥 She's getting so big but going back to early wake ups. This sucks!!! And the kids alternate who is either not going to sleep or waking up super early. I would kill right now for both of them to sleep past 6 AM on the same day for just one day... one kid was so much easier than 2!
Mine isn’t a newborn anymore! 😥 She's getting so big but going back to early wake ups. This sucks!!! And the kids alternate who is either not going to sleep or waking up super early. I would kill right now for both of them to sleep past 6 AM on the same day for just one day... one kid was so much easier than 2!
What is it with that? DS2 is my worst sleeper at the moment! I’ve told him just to come to my bed if he wakes up but he wails and wants me to come get him. The baby is sleeping soundly and he’s whining at 3am. Ugh.
If you’re supplementing with formula, how did you decide which one to use? Last time the hospital started us on similac do we just continued.
I'm pretty big into ingredients, so I went with the one I felt was most in line with my views on nutrition. Otherwise, I'd just go with the costco brand stuff because it's a giant container and reasonably affordable.
If you’re supplementing with formula, how did you decide which one to use? Last time the hospital started us on similac do we just continued.
I went with Enfamil based on my sister's recommendation. She said it smelled the best, lol. Gentlease formulation because E1 was gassy and had reflux. I stuck with it for E2. I still have an unopened sample can in our cabinet that doesn't expire until he is 13 months old.
DD has her vaccinations yesterday. She slept most of the day, and did fairly good at night. However, now she doesn’t really want to sleep today, and she is slightly miserable this afternoon.
Mine isn’t a newborn anymore! 😥 She's getting so big but going back to early wake ups. This sucks!!! And the kids alternate who is either not going to sleep or waking up super early. I would kill right now for both of them to sleep past 6 AM on the same day for just one day... one kid was so much easier than 2!
we are living the same life and i think both of our children are like a month apart, ha
This poor baby. He goes on like, a 5-6 streak in the late afternoon/evening. He's likely under slept and over stimulated. He finally went down around 8, but then our neighbors swung by and he woke up when she held him, unsurprisingly. I'm struggling to get him back down.
I really dont want H to go to work tomorrow. It's so hard and stressful with both of them alone. At least my dad comes Tuesday and gma on Wednesday. I've already said I need to GTFO next weekend. Alone!
hamster, you have my sympathy and awe. I have both kids solo one night a week when DH has band practice and even that is rough (DS goes to daycare during the week). You are super mom.
We’re taking a red eye to Barcelona tonight with both kids. Pray for me and everyone else on our flight!
And I have GOT to improve on the process. We have a city block-long walk from the drop off area to the building entrance, and then we have to get through security and down to the daycare level. So it's a whole thing. We did our old usual of Calvin dropping me and the kid(s) off at daycare for me to drop off and then walk to work. So I walked in with an 8 week old in a snap & go, a 3 year old holding the handle, 3 year old's bag, baby's bag, my pump bag, my work/laptop bag, purse, package of diapers, extra wipes, the whole nine. I got DD a backpack so she can carry her own stuff, but I still have to shepherd it through security. Actual drop off was fine for what dropping an 8 week old off for the first time is. No tears (for any of us!) but the logistics had me a hot mess by the time I got to my office.
I need less stuff. More manpower help. Maybe both!
I'm also anxious about whether DS has enough milk. I have no idea how much to send. He has been taking a bottle every day or two for practice, but otherwise BFing. I sent 5 x 2.5 oz because I know he has been finishing (just barely) his 2.5 oz. bottles when H gives them. What do other 8 week olds eat? DD didn't go to daycare until 5m, so I haven't packed bottles for one this little before.
And I have GOT to improve on the process. We have a city block-long walk from the drop off area to the building entrance, and then we have to get through security and down to the daycare level. So it's a whole thing. We did our old usual of Calvin dropping me and the kid(s) off at daycare for me to drop off and then walk to work. So I walked in with an 8 week old in a snap & go, a 3 year old holding the handle, 3 year old's bag, baby's bag, my pump bag, my work/laptop bag, purse, package of diapers, extra wipes, the whole nine. Actual drop off was fine for what dropping an 8 week old off for the first time is. No tears (for any of us!) but the logistics had me a hot mess by the time I got to my office.
I need less stuff. More manpower help. Maybe both.
Well, the good thing is, you don't need to drop off the diapers/wipes every time, so there's that much less that you need.
I would consolidate your purse, your work bag, and your pump bag. If you can get that down to one bag, great, but even 2 bags would be better. And if that could be a backpack bag, that would probably be easier too. Maybe this bag could work?
Can you leave your pump and a set of parts at work? So all you have to bring back and forth would be the bottles?
How much stuff does your 3yo actually need? E1 hasn't taken a bag to daycare since he was an infant. We bring his nap mat home on Fridays to wash, and back on Mondays, and that's the only time he has anything more than a water bottle. He has backup clothes/undies in his cubby that live there and I change it out like twice a year so it's weather appropriate and fits.
And tbh, I don't take a bag to daycare for E2 either. Just a small cooler to carry his milk bottles. Daycare has diapers, wipes, pacifiers, backup clothes, bibs, sheets, etc. Anything that needs washing fits in the cooler.
Susie when D takes a bottle he has between 2 and 3 ounces, with the latter approaching milk drunk status.
ok, so it sounds like my 2.5 oz bottles are reasonable, thanks.
I work a couple blocks away so I told his teacher if he runs out to call me, I can either bring over what I pumped today or I can nurse if I haven't just pumped. But 5 bottles in 8 hours would be a ton.
It's 730. Both children have cried, c is trying to hit his brother and my boob is leaking.
Commiseration. E1 totally did not want to go to daycare today and refused to get dressed. So I'm trying to dress him, he's crying and kicking, and E2 is on his play mat and rolled over and he's crying because he is now stuck on his belly and can't back to his back. And E2 only ate on one side, so my right boob was full (and that was after I used the haakaa to relieve some of the pressure while I was nursing).
- Work backpack: laptop, shoe change (today), lunch bag. - Pump bag: pump (today), gallon ziplock bags (today), cooler bag (holds exactly 2x 8 oz. bottles), pumping bra, set of pump parts - DS daycare bag (all the baby things) - DD daycare backpack (Mon/Fri: swim suit, water shoes, towel, nap bedding) -- she carries herself - Purse
You're definitely right, I need to switch to a smaller purse that goes into one of my other bags.
I will leave the black wedges from my work bag, at the office tonight. They're basic and can work pretty much everyday, lol, and I can commute in comfortable shoes.
I will be leaving a pump at work, I'm just trying to decide whether I want my S1 at work (where I pump the most, but don't need the battery/mobility) or at home (where I sometimes pump while walking around doing things for DD, and where it will be easier to grab for travel). I have a PISA from last time that, once I get settled, will go in the place I don't keep the S1. I just need to test it, haven't used it in a couple years. I should get a 2nd pump bra to leave at home too, so they can stay where they are. Once I winnow my daily pumping stuff down, I can see if I can fit it in my work backpack.
I'm not sure I'll be able to go without a daycare bag for DS, because when DD was in the infant room I was always shuttling crap back and forth. Clothes were everyday, and a bag kept them corralled. Possible that I could tuck them in DD's backpack though.
I swear this is the hardest part for me of being a working mom. The stuff, and having 2 small kids ready to leave with both H and I in the same car/same time, so that neither of us is late. Worst 2 hours of the day.
Susie, I would leave the PISA at work and the S1 at home. BECAUSE of the portability. I know you don't need portability at work. I use a Medela at work and S2 at home (and wish I had the S1 but insurance didn't cover it). (I also wish I could afford the Elvie to use at work because then I could pump while doing patient care)
Can you just tuck your baby's stuff into your DD's bag? Does she carry that bag daily or just on Mon and Fri? E1 also has water day on Mon and Fri during the summer, so I feel like a pack mule with his water day bag, his nap mat, and the cooler and the car seat with E2. Fortunately, Tues-Thurs E1 has no bags at all. I can't imagine carrying my own bags on top of all that.
After reintroducing dairy with an elimination diet it’s clear that causes major discomfort, gas and crying for baby. So cutting out all the dairy again. Also had my post GD appointment with Dr and I passed with flying colors. Yay! She wants me to do a yearly A1c but other than that I can resume my normal diet (well minus the dairy during breastfeeding)
Not gonna lie, I'm a lil jealous of those of you with one toddler and one infant. I am responsible for all daycare drop offs and pickups for a 2.5 yo and twin 4 month olds. It's fun.
I decided today I'm going to try to cut back on dairy (think milk, cheese, ice cream) to see if it helps Z's grunting and gassiness. She's overall a happy baby so I don't think she's in pain really, but she definitely sounds uncomfortable. Thankfully gripe water helps but I'm wondering if this will help too.
DD has a low grade fever and is not sleeping good. I have given her Tylenol which helped the fever, but every time I get her to sleep, I put her down and her eyes pop open. It has been a rough couple of days and I am so exhausted. Luckily she is going to my parents this weekend so I hope to catch up on some sleep.
DD has a low grade fever and is not sleeping good. I have given her Tylenol which helped the fever, but every time I get her to sleep, I put her down and her eyes pop open. It has been a rough couple of days and I am so exhausted. Luckily she is going to my parents this weekend so I hope to catch up on some sleep.
This was my DD last night. I got up with her at 3:40am and just never got back to sleep because she wouldn't sleep in her crib. She had a fever, probably from shots. I'm dragging.
All the steps themselves went pretty well -- DS did well at daycare, I was ok with being back to work, and I'm able to pump more than he's drinking by bottle. He has STTN 3 nights in a row now (!!) which is amazing and unexpected. Our estimate on bottles to send was surprisingly on target. So all of that is really good. Getting the two through the security routine at daycare every day still sucks, but it's a fact of life.
But omg, the transitions may be the death of me. The 2 hours before and after work are nuts. I have to figure out how to change and nurse DS, then pump the other boob, shower, eat breakfast, get dressed, give DD whatever help she needs that she isn't satisfied with H providing (usually hair, sometimes other things) and out the door so I'm not making the whole family late. That is rough.
Then evenings are kind of a shitshow. DD's nap is falling away so she's usually a tired mess when we get home at 6, we need to get dinner ready and eaten, DD's bath and bed routine, and DS down. We haven't tried a bath for him on a week night yet, but that will be one more thing. Then prep all the bottles/etc. for the next day. Eesh.
The mornings will get better. My friend is mailing me her S2 pump, which I will take to work and leave there instead of my new S1 (since I don't need the battery feature in the office, but I do really benefit from the quietness of the Spectra). Then I can take my S1 home, and can get some things done while I do that morning pump so it isn't dead time. Today I got up 30 mins earlier so I could shower before starting DS's routine, and that helped my sanity a lot (my sleep less so). The solution to evenings isn't quite as clear, but hopefully it'll get better. When DS is content to sit somewhere or in something while awake, that will help a lot.
I also need to increase H's sensitivity to the fact that it is not popular for him to curl up in bed and shut off his light as I sit down to pump at bedtime, knowing I still have 20 minutes of pumping, plus going downstairs to take care of the milk/etc. Or to flop on the couch last night to watch the Dem debate while I want to join, but still have all the bottles to make, dishwasher to load and start (mostly because of bottles/pump parts), etc. Yup, you're tired -- me too! STTN is amazing but it tends to mean a short "night." Being an EBFing/pumping working mom can't mean that everything tangentially related to feeding automatically falls to me.