I moved over to the TTTC board at the beginning of July but it didn't feel right to post this there and completely do a drive by. This was my first cycle on femara. I had a super faint line yesterday (wasn't sure if it was an evap or BFP) and at 13 dpo this morning I got a clear BFP, and even stronger BFP with SMU (on a different brand of test than last time - ugh).
I'm going for a beta draw at lunch, results will come in sometime overnight and I'm seeing OB tomorrow morning. Repeat betas are already scheduled Wednesday/Friday and then next Tuesday/Thrusday/Saturday since it's a stat holiday the first Monday in August here in my part of Canada. First ultrasound will be between 6-7 weeks, just need to call the clinic and schedule it since I already have the req.
I'm starting back on Progesterone tonight, and am also on baby aspirin and synthroid. Here's hoping this one sticks. EDD is April 6, which puts me at exactly 4 weeks today. My two losses happened just before/after 5 weeks so I'm feeling scared and not really letting myself attach yet. So far I'm just feeling tired and my gagging has returned if I'm not eating/drinking regularly.
If this one doesn't stick, I think I'm done. I don't think I could keep putting myself through this roller coaster. DS turned 4 this past Thursday, and TBH I don't know that I want a much bigger age gap than we're already going to have (assuming this pregnancy works out).
Thanks everyone! First beta came back at 25 again (which is exactly what it was for my second loss). Obviously, I was hoping for it to be higher, but at my appointment this morning my OB said it's within normal range and that I'm mostly likely a late implanter. What's important is for him to see the number double at tomorrow's beta and again on Friday. So right now I'm trying to take it one day at a time.
Tests were much darker today and I got a positive on a brand that I know from the last loss didn't show as positive until HCG was over 50. My doubling was 24-31 hours last time, so I'm suspecting that might be happening again this time. Hopefully with a better end result.