Baby bk1 was born 10-20-19 at 1 day past his due date.
From first contraction to delivery was 5 hours. I felt the first contraction at 4:40am. By 5:30 they started regulating at 10 minutes apart. DH and I got ready, called MIL to come stay with our girls and headed to the hospital at 7am. At that time my contractions were 5 minutes apart and about a 4-5 on the pain scale. We get upstairs and the nurse checks and says I'm at a 7-8. We move rooms and start getting ready. As it was early Sunday morning the hospital was low on staff so lab was behind meaning there was no time for meds so I unexpectedly went med free. It was by far the hardest and most powerful thing I've ever done. After 3 or 4 pushes baby boy was born. 7lbs 12.9oz 20.5 inches.
He is an awesome baby. Breastfeeding is going well and I'm getting a couple 2 or 3 hour stretches of sleep a night so enough to function. DH is on paternity leave the rest of the week so that has helped tremendously. So far 2-3 has been the easiest transition for our family.
I've now had 3 kids with the same doctor and he hasn't delivered any of them. Every delivery has been by a different on call doctor who I had never met before. 🤷♀️