So today I am 14 days DPO. According to FF I should get my period this weekend, if not pregnant. I have temps above my coverline, however, I am concerned that it has been inaccurate since Wednesday. I usually get up at 7am. For the last 3 days, I have awakened between 4:30-5 and can't get back to sleep for about 2 hours and then sleep another hour.
I check my temp when I magically wake up too damn early and it has still been above the coverline, but do you think there is a problem with even referring to my chart temps now or a reason for this waking up?
I guess I am just rambling because I am annoyed by this so thanks for listening.
Do you use a charting website or app? There are formulas you can google to correct your temp for wake-up time.....but I think you're probably okay. If you've already ovulated and are just waiting to POAS/AF then your temps don't matter a TON. I mean, either your pregnant or you're not at this point, so while it's nice to have your chart to reference, if it's not completely accurate it's not a huge deal because you already know you ovulated.
I sometimes do this, but I rarely see it affect my overall temp pattern. I think it just tends to make the lines more jagged, but they're all still in the general range.