What did you think of it? I've heard rave reviews and the description was intriguing but...I'm not loving it. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and I dont like the writing style, the meandering plotline, or the characters. Does this go somewhere? Is the big payoff really worth it? Trying to decide if I should push through or give it up.
I read the whole thing and despite most reactions being extreme one way or the other, I fell somewhere in the middle. I actually thought that it was the kind of thing you could read twice (I just don’t care to) because the first time you’re trying to figure out what’s going on and the second time you could read it while having the bigger picture in mind and maybe get more out of the experience. That said, I’d skip it if it’s not grabbing you. You might be very frustrated if you read to the end.
May the odds be ever in your favor! I didn't end up finishing it. I hope you enjoy it more. Maybe you can tell me the big plot twist at the end that's supposed to be so amazing.
I LOVED it!!! The first third I kept thinking about stopping because of the writing style, but kept going. The first part is bad for a reason I feel ... You have to keep going though because it's 3 stories in 1 and the first story is written in a specific way.
Anyhoo, it's one of the most divisive books I've ever chatted to people about. But I loved it.
“With sorrow—for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection—we dissent,”