Anyone else in their first trimester and want to complain?
I have been so sick this time. But it's hard with covid because I don't want to tell people I'm pregnant, but I also don't feel like I can say I'm feeling sick one day and then show up to something the next day without people being like is she really safe to be here?
Also is anyone getting their covid vaccine while pregnant? I'm trying to figure out if I should wait till a later trimester to get it or not. But obviously there's not a ton of data one way or another. I def want to get it and feel safe getting it at some point in pregnancy. I was talking to my NP about it and everything I asks she was like "huh that's a really good question... I'm not sure" lol so that wasn't super helpful.
I’m in my second trimester so starting to feel better but I wanted to answer your question about the vaccine. My group has been similarly unhelpful about whether or not I should get it. I haven’t been discouraged from getting it but their rule of thumb is that you should get it if you’re a frontline worker, period. Their follow-up response is that there isn’t a lot of data yet.
I still bring it up and ask every time I go in because one of the doctors told me that guidelines are constantly changing. This past Monday during my appointment the NP said that there’s very recent data from an immunologist in NY that got the vaccine in her second trimester and her baby was born with antibodies. That sounds pretty promising to me.
I’m registered with my county so if it becomes available prior to my due date in August, I plan to get it.
eta: This is my second (and last) pregnancy, I'm 38, and in worse shape than last time so I definitely commiserate about having a harder pregnancy this time around!
I'm 6 weeks post-partum but when I was pregnant my midwife and I had quite a few chats about the hypothetical vaccine and then what to do if I had the chance to get it while still pregnant. She said there isn't a ton of research yet but she would have me get it once I was out of the first trimester. Pregnant women are at higher risk for complications so the benefits should outweigh the risk. I'm breastfeeding so I asked her about that and her advice was the same - get it. All other vaccines are OK to get while breastfeeding and there is a high chance to give baby antibodies, too!
Congrats on your pregnancy! I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy - I hope it get better once you move into your second trimester!!
I’m in my third trimester but got the vaccine in second trimester (when it was available to me - I would not have delayed). I’m enrolled in the CDC’s study which involves access to all of my medical records and interviews each trimester and after birth (so not just self report!)
Aw I'm sorry melmaria it's rough for you too! My first pregnancy was soooo easy, and I didn't have a kid to look after yet so it's like a cruel joke this one is rough when I actually have another person to take care of.
Thanks everyone for the covid info. I think my biggest thing is like I know TDAP is given later so the baby has the antibodies when born, so is COVID similar? And pfizer is doing their trial with people 24-36 weeks pregnant I think? But then the vaccine is available to me now, and idk when it will come up available for me again (it's through the military and my husband missed it the first time and now it's been over a month). Im also a little concerned getting it in the first trimester because fever can be an issue first trimester but is it because of whatever illness causes the fever? Or is any fever a problem?
I've done a ton of reading but nothing I find addresses any of this. Sorry that was all a total brain dump lol.
al dente that was my thinking too.. but then I saw a study on maternal antibody transfer following natural SARS-CoV-2 infection and the authors found greater antibody transfer associated with longer time between infection and delivery. I'm sure we will have clear answers on timing eventually but I think it will unfortunately be way past our time when the data is published!
Ask your OB about fever! mine was not concerned and told me to take Tylenol if I needed to. The majority of people have not reported fever following vaccination. Reports of high fever are quite rare.