I’m with Morgan Stanley and I’m able to determine how aggressive/conservative my accounts are, at any age. They have their recommendations, but nothing is forced. If you can’t do what you want with Vanguard, I think you should move it all to a company where they can tailor your portfolio to your individual needs. I’d do that before I gave up having any professional help whatsoever.
Thanks. Maybe I should talk to another firm. This is a good point. I have been surprised that to use the PA services at Vanguard, you apparently *have* to take their recommendations in terms of stock/bond mix. I'm ... not thrilled with that. I feel like maybe in the beginning of my time there, I didn't really understand this as much as I do now.
Why don't you try out the new person first and then decide how you feel?
Also reasonable! Thanks.
I say that, but I self-manage mine so giving different advice than I take.
I said this because the impetus seemed to be that the advisor was leaving, not that the underlying service was unsatisfactory, especially because it seems like they all follow Vanguard's algorithm. But maybe the advisor change is just bringing this longer term issue more to your attention? Of course if you are not satisfied with their options and they don't allow any flexibility, then you should do something else. If you simply want more risk (stock exposure), that seems pretty easy to diy by having your own stock-only portfolio as you mentioned. I guess I don't really know your investment philosophy or the kinds of questions that caused you to seek an advisor in the first place.