So we did our transfer on 1/28 of our best embryo from most recent retrieval (which was actually about a year ago, had to have hysteroscopy last summer and then cancelled transfer in october due to thin lining). It was a euploid 4 or 5CC (can't remember) when frozen, but it was basically fully hatched when transferred, so I guess that was good? My hcg was today, I did test before going in and it was positive. Hcg was 409. Repeat on Wednesday and we go on from there. My last pregnancy ended with MMC around 6 weeks, so I'll be anxious/extra guarded about being happy until at least that point, and then honestly probably every week until... I don't know. Feeling crampy and tired, otherwise ok. Happy but also trying not to get too excited, which is a fun place to be as many of you know 🥴
Hcg today was 991. They called to schedule my ultrasound for 2 weeks from now, and I asked to go on Monday bc I am going out of town on Tuesday. The receptionist was like, no, you cant, your doc isn't in clinic on Monday and said I couldn't see another doc that day. So instead she scheduled me for the next week. I found it hard to believe that I couldn't see someone else, considering my specific doc didnt do my transfer, retrieval, etc bc he wasn't there on thise what is the difference. So I asked my nurse, who I was already emailing with bc the lab accidentally did the wrong lab this morning and I had some med questions. She was like, yeah you can definitely see someone else that day, I'll have them call you back. So the receptionist called back like 10 minutes later and was so short with me, and I'm like uh, it's not my fault you were wrong and I asked someone else...annoying. Glad I pushed back though, I would not have enjoyed waiting an extra week for first scan!
Lol I'm not worried about the numbers being too high, if anything I was worried they weren't good enough, bc my first successful pregnancy had higher levels and just the one baby. These numbers are between that transfer and the numbers from my loss.
Scan was good today! At 6+1 I could see the little blob, it was measuring 6+2, had heart rate of 119. Couple weeks until the next scan, hoping for calm until then.
Scan was good today! At 6+1 I could see the little blob, it was measuring 6+2, had heart rate of 119. Couple weeks until the next scan, hoping for calm until then.
Today I'm 8 weeks 2 days, and we saw little baby blob on the ultrasound! Measuring 8+5, heart rate 179, we could see little arm buds and it was wiggling around. My RE said I dont need to come back to them unless there's a problem, and I can stop one of my daily progesterone doses next week (oddly enough I think I'll stop crinone and keep going with PIO for the last week, I just hate doing crinone). I have a regular OB appointment for the 31st, so I guess this is happening! Thanks for hanging with me for this part and all the encouragement and kind words!
Today I'm 8 weeks 2 days, and we saw little baby blob on the ultrasound! Measuring 8+5, heart rate 179, we could see little arm buds and it was wiggling around. My RE said I dont need to come back to them unless there's a problem, and I can stop one of my daily progesterone doses next week (oddly enough I think I'll stop crinone and keep going with PIO for the last week, I just hate doing crinone). I have a regular OB appointment for the 31st, so I guess this is happening! Thanks for hanging with me for this part and all the encouragement and kind words!
I switched from Crinone to PIO for my second, I could not STAND that stuff. I had to be on it through 30 weeks too, and still I'd rather stab myself with a giant needle everyday for months than deal with that gunk. *shudder*
Today I'm 8 weeks 2 days, and we saw little baby blob on the ultrasound! Measuring 8+5, heart rate 179, we could see little arm buds and it was wiggling around. My RE said I dont need to come back to them unless there's a problem, and I can stop one of my daily progesterone doses next week (oddly enough I think I'll stop crinone and keep going with PIO for the last week, I just hate doing crinone). I have a regular OB appointment for the 31st, so I guess this is happening! Thanks for hanging with me for this part and all the encouragement and kind words!