I'm looking to increase my giving towards Gun Control charities. I currently donate to Everytown, but obviously hear a lot about March For Our Lives, Brady Campaign, Gifford.
I was wondering if anyone has direct experience in this arena to know who is making the most legislative head-way. I'm 100% anti-gun (european born and bred) but I think that reasonable gun control is the first step for the US, and was wondering who is most likely to push that.
This is separate from my political giving which also rates gun control as a priority.
“With sorrow—for this Court, but more, for the many millions of American women who have today lost a fundamental constitutional protection—we dissent,”
I have a HS friend who has been working for Brady for awhile. I don’t know a ton about them but they seem to have a good pulse on Legislative things and provide support after mass shootings. Sorry, not super helpful.