Post by simpsongal on Mar 31, 2023 10:42:01 GMT -5
I know it's early for the zone 5ers, but let's kick it off - what's on the list?
Zone 7 here, started edging and cutting out dead stuff, first lawn mow this weekend. Done: I planted Leocujum last fall and they're popping up beautifully. No nibbles from deer - highly recommend! I planted some other bulbs too, hope they do well. My jasmine look terrible. I think it's alive.... I started a dozen dahlias inside, half have sprouted, hopefully the others will eventually. I don't think I can plant them until end of April. I spread Preen on my beds, mulched last fall, spread fertilizer, and maybe I'll spread some epsom salts too.
To do: I need to move a few things - including an evergreen I shouldn't have put out front, and some bleeding hearts that need to be relocated. I need to finish prepping our raised garden bed - I put some new soil, leaf mulch, and compost in it. Needs more though. I ordered some new clematis, longwood blue caryopteris, and a few other things that I need to plant. I'd like to get bigger hanging baskets, but we'll see how much they cost. My porch could use a thorough cleaning, including the sunbrella cushions - I usually use a powerwasher and bleach. I need news cushions for my patio chairs too, the crows have torn them up! I need to finish planting my back fence area, it's looking sad and it'll take 3-4 years for the plants to look like much.
I'm really pleased at the work I did last fall, so everything this spring is just gravy. Good job 2022 Simpson
Oh this is timely! Zone 6 here. I took this week off to do yard work before the weather gets too warm (I'm decidedly not a summer person).
Accomplishments of the week: - Dethatched and aerated the yard - Put up temporary fencing to keep the dogs off about 70% of my yard - Spread top soil, microclover/lawn seed blend, topped with straw - Filled in more of the little gap between the fence and retaining wall with crushed stone
Still to do: - Need about 2 more bags of crushed stone - Need to finish the weed barrier around the rose of Sharon (invasive type) - I've been fighting with this stupid tree for years. I've taken 2 down, only 1 remains on my property. My neighbor has the biggest one of all and as long as it lives, I'll be waging this stupid battle. They do nothing with the new ones that spring up everywhere. Their paver stone driveway is being destroyed by these stupid trees. -Fix the gate on the neighbor's side
I spent 2 weeks in November doing yard work, so I'm in pretty good shape here. I lost most of my lawn over the last 2 summers from other yard projects. I hope I'm in the final phase of restoring my ground cover.
Oh, not directly yard related, but I'd like to get a bench or 2 chairs for my front porch. I'll never sit there, but since I cleaned it last fall it's very empty. It had become a dumping ground for random items. I don't want it to go back to that.
I love the colors in this set (tangerine) but they're *so* short.
Carrots and some greens are coming up in the garden (planted seed a few weeks ago). I have begun pepper and courgette seeds this week. My cucs and pumpking/squash seedlings are growing strong and I'm trying to grow kale for the first time. Tomatoes are ready to be planted out, so I'm starting to harden them off - they'll go under a poly tunnel to start with. I've put dark fabric on top of the soil of my raised bed so that the soil can start to heat up a bit more as well.
Remembered that I also have to weed everywhere, including the drive (between tiles). Ugh.
I haven't done anything yet, other than clear out some dead plants that I left for the birds this winter.
We need to get our tree trimmed, and I am thinking whoever we hire might be able to remove some bushes from right in front of our house too? They are evergreens of some sort but I am guessing they've been around a while and look kind of scraggly, plus they are just not really my style. I'd rather plant something more colorful and/or flower beds there. So at some point I need to figure out who to hire for those things.
My tiny front yard has no grass because I have planted flowers and usually just mulch around them. I will need to pick up annuals and see how some of my perennials come back. I am also considering moving my two rose bushes that are kind of in the middle of the yard, especially if I do remove the bushes since the roses are in front of them.
Backyard - I am still unsure. Need to plant some more shade vegetation since nothing really grows back there. I have a raised bed garden but I am not sure if I should try veggies again since I haven't had much luck so far. Maybe something more shade resistant like potatoes and carrots - any suggestions for shade veggies that actually grow? I think we're zone 7.