I am the District Department Music Chair for my school district. One of my jobs is the keep track of the large K-12 district music budget. This year is was all given to me in an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of the spending. It’s a little clunky and I’d like something smoother to keep track of the spending. My dream is to find a program where I can input the budget, it keeps track of the spending and I’m able to upload all the documents/receipts for each purchase into the program. Does this exist? Any suggestions for me?? I need help being more efficient and organized with this. Thanks!
We use QuickBooks online for the Foundation that I am treasurer for. It does allow attachments for transactions (we upload receipts/invoices as you describe), and for putting in your budget and running budget vs actuals reports.
It's pricey at rack rate, but if you are a non profit and buy through TechSoup it is less than $100/year.
When I was PTA treasurer we used Quicken and I do not recommend. It was so buggy.