The other night while eating dinner I told DH that I think testicles probably taste like scallops. I mean .. they feel like the same consistency. He just rolled his eyes..
I ultrasound testicles for a living .. I was telling DH about my day and all the balls I scanned and for some reason I just thought about it?
Is that awkward? Or are you so used to it you don't even blink?
Well I don't do just testicles .. I work in a hospital and do everything [abdomen, ob, pelvic/transvaginals, vascular, breast and testicles] but as far as the testicles it was awkward the first couple times but doesn't bother me at all anymore.
Unless they get an erection .. then it is VERY awkward and I can't help but giggle as I rush to finish.
Is that awkward? Or are you so used to it you don't even blink?
Well I don't do just testicles .. I work in a hospital and do everything [abdomen, ob, pelvic/transvaginals, vascular, breast and testicles] but as far as the testicles it was awkward the first couple times but doesn't bother me at all anymore.
Unless they get an erection .. then it is VERY awkward and I can't help but giggle as I rush to finish.
OMG that has to be so embarrassing for the patient!
I've had bulls balls 2 ways: fried w/ a lot of ranch and the other sauteed in butter. i can't remember how they tasted (this was yrs ago) but do remember the sauteed ball still had hair on it and that grossed me out! The texture of both were chewy.
I've had bulls balls 2 ways: fried w/ a lot of ranch and the other sauteed in butter. i can't remember how they tasted (this was yrs ago) but do remember the sauteed ball still had hair on it and that grossed me out! The texture of both were chewy.