So I was surfing the net, kind of bored, and my mom calls. Apparently she and my dad are driving around visiting places in this "Weird NY" book she got for Christmas, and one was a furniture store that makes a lot of furniture/art out of scrap metal. One of the items they sell are "fertility statues," guaranteed to work. I would likely be the proud owner of one the next time she came to visit, had they not been shown with the caveat that only the person who wants to get pregnant can buy them. She wants me to go to this place the next time I'm up to visit her and my dad, so I can get one.
The next thing out of her mouth, "Unless you have an announcement for me?!"
Oh mother. She knows I just had fibroid surgery last month; I can't even try again for at least a cycle.
My husband is laying on the couch, and hears me talking about a fertility statue, and the exasperation in my voice when I say "NO MOM, I don't have an announcement to make." He was dying laughing.