I just got off a 3 mth cycle BC pill after about 10 yrs and we are trying to conceive. I started taking my temp. w/ a basil therm. and using an ovulation predictor kit. My 2nd day using the ovulation test strips, I had a very clear line but it was a little lighter than the comparison one, so in following the directions, I assumed it wasn't time yet. Every day since then, I have had no real line at all. I also had some CM the next day but thought based on some descriptions, it was signifying ovulation in a few days. My temp never did a big dip to show ovulation, but did a small increase yesterday and today (from 97.7 to 98.2 and 98.3).
Do you think I ovulated when the predictor had a line that was just a bit lighter than the comparison one?
How long after your clear-but-lighter line did you wait to test again? If you waited a full 24 hours, yes, you may have missed your surge. Once the line starts darkening, we test about every 4-6 hours to catch the surge. (We're using frozen donor sperm, so we can't just hump it out when in doubt!)
A lot of people don't have a dip before ovulation. The only thing that can confirm O is a temp spike. From the chart that you posted on MM I'd say that you ovulated on Friday. As long as you were having sex around that week you should be fine. My first cycle using OPKs I missed my positive too. Make sure that you are testing twice a day. I usually do around 10am and 5-6pm and I've gotten a positive every cycle since. If you had tested again within 6 hours of the almost positive I bet it would have been a clear positive.
Do you have to not drink water or pee for 4 hours before testing? I thought my kit said that aNd I was testing first thing in the morning because I drink a lot of water during the morning/day.
LH tends to peak in the afternoon, so by only testing with FMU there is a good chance that you just missed picking up your surg. If you had 3 high temps, I would assume that you O'd.
I tend to drink a lot of water during the day and I still can pick up an afternoon surg. Many ladies also tend to test 2-3 times a day. (Usually SMU, 2-3pm then 7-9pm) You do not have to do the 7-9 pm one.