I am caving. Picking up dollar tree tests on the way home and POAS in the morning. This is only our 2nd cycle trying, and while I was sad when I got AF last time, I am way more excited/anxious this time around, probably because a good friend is pg now, and I also told a couple of people. I am telling myself that I'm just testing it because I have a strenuous day on Sunday and I want to know whether to be extra mindful of how I'm feeling since I usually push through the pain (it's a work thing, so it's not negotiable), but the reality is, I just want the waiting to end!
It will be CD27. I have a 28 day cycle, but I have no clue when I O'd. Fingers crossed!
I really wanted to just see if I got AF on Monday (like that would somehow prove I wasn't constantly thinking about it or something), but I can't do it. I probably would've tested earlier if I knew for sure when I O'd.
Went to DHs work picnic with families, tons of babies, and 85 iterations of the "why don't you guys have kids???" conversation. Only had to go to the bathroom to cry twice, so I am calling that a win. LOL. It's really unfair that the time to test is when I am already emotional from PMS.