It seems like the Australians don't use the 24 hour clock (or "military time" as I call it) as much as the Europeans do.
The strange thing is my on-screen television guide using 24-hour time, but all the programs are advertised using 12-hour time. I hate having to do the math -- I'm almost always wrong. And while I'm here, why can't programs start on the hour and half hour on Australian tv? And why can't the networks have the same weekly schedule for more than two weeks in a row?
Back to your original question -- not at all. I have some ice wine I am about to open up to have with leftover barbeque chicken sandwiches (US-style barbeque, not Australian-style). I think the wine may help bring out the flavours of the Coke I used in the sauce.
Hell, 5 am isn't too early to start drinking. As long as you drink appropriate morning drinks like bloody marys and mimosas.
Oh! True story! A bar near my house in CA did a free breakfast buffet withthepurchase of 2 well drinks, starting at 6 am weekdays only. Win, right there.
BFP1: DD born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP2: 3/18/12, blighted ovum, natural m/c @ 7w4d
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w3d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence
The saying in SA is 'Has the Boeing gone over yet?' Basically you can start drinking any time after the Boeing has gone over. What time does your airport open?