I am new to this board and I'm trying to get acquainted. Since I'm new to all of this...is there is a list of acronyms that will help me understand things a little better?
FF - FertilityFriend.com RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist (fertility specialist) BCP - birth control pills BFP - big freaking positive (pregnancy test) BFN - big freaking negative O - ovulate/ovulation TTC - trying to conceive OPK - ovulation predictor kit POAS - pee on a stick (take a pregnancy test) EWCM - egg white cervical mucus (the most fertile kind) TCOYF - the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility (the bible for this) CM - cervical mucus AF - Aunt Flow CD13 - Chart Day 13 DPO2 - Day Past Ovulation 2 2ww - two week window (after O before testing)