The kids costumes came last night and they were so freaking excited. They tried them on and Grayson looks adorable in his Harry Potter glasses.
I have free lunch today. Yippee.
My weight.
I have gotten a bug in my bonnet that we need to go to Disney this winter. I *think* L might have her entire rough draft done by the end of the year and while she'll still have edits, there will be a few weeks (months?) where her committee is reviewing it. Nevermind, we don't really have the $$$ to go, but selfishly, I feel like I have earned it. I haven't mentioned it to L, because I know she will perceive it as pressure. But that isn't stopping me from pricing out all kinds of random dates.
Whine: I got a cold this weekend. I've been eating too much. I have too much work to get done. I'm tired of injecting myself. Wine: We saw a show last night. I love this fall weather. My admin is decorating our office for Halloween. Obama didn't fail us all last night. Supposedly im getting my ittybitty raise in Friday's paycheck.
Whine: Someone stole my wallet while I worked from Starbucks yesterday and in the half hour or so before I cancelled my credit cards purchased $500 worth of bus/train passes. Not responsible for any of it, but won't get some of the money back for a couple weeks and also need to replace my driver's license.