Post by blindyswife on Oct 28, 2012 9:49:04 GMT -5
I finally got crosshairs yesterday. When I put in my temp for this morning (97.7, .03 lower than yesterday's temp) it takes the cross hairs away and says:
Your chart data does not allow ovulation to be pinpointed to within a 24 hour timeframe. Your temperature suggests, however, that ovulation may have occured between CD 10 and CD 20.
Post by winecheery on Oct 28, 2012 11:02:23 GMT -5
whoa. That's new. To me it looks like CD17 should be 1dpo...based on temps alone. And the dip today could be a million things; among them a secondary estrogen surge.
Post by blindyswife on Oct 28, 2012 11:46:00 GMT -5
Villain- it takes them away completely. Thoseareradishes- nope, I dont use opk's. Though sometimes I think I should.
My CM data is probably not completely accurate, because I always have a hard time distinguishing ewcm from semen.
Blah, sometimes I think this charting stuff just makes ttc more stressful than is necessary. I think I will just hang on to the hope that we had lots of sex, so hopefully it was timed well with or without a pretty chart.
I think your chart (as shown above) is as accurate is its going to get. A .03 dip is not significant at all. You could have tested one minute later, or held your tongue slightly differently, etc. and the reading would have changed slightly. That's the drawback to having a thermometer that is measured to the .00 place. I'd say it all looks just fine :-)
Post by thoseareradishes on Oct 28, 2012 15:19:21 GMT -5
Blindy, I stopped temping two cycles ago and just use OPK's and check CM. We try for sex EOD after my period ends (I usually ovulate between CD11 and 14). I found temping pretty stressful. I did it for 3 cycles, and saw that I was ovulating after my positive OPKs. Of course, I could always have a wacky cycle and not ovulate after a positive, but for now all seems to be working correctly. Sometimes I consider doing it again, but for now I'm ok with not temping.
I'm not saying to give up on temping, especially not before you figure out your cycles, but it is something to consider for the future. You could also stop temping after you confirm O.
Blindy, I stopped temping two cycles ago and just use OPK's and check CM. We try for sex EOD after my period ends (I usually ovulate between CD11 and 14). I found temping pretty stressful. I did it for 3 cycles, and saw that I was ovulating after my positive OPKs. Of course, I could always have a wacky cycle and not ovulate after a positive, but for now all seems to be working correctly. Sometimes I consider doing it again, but for now I'm ok with not temping.
I'm not saying to give up on temping, especially not before you figure out your cycles, but it is something to consider for the future. You could also stop temping after you confirm O.
This is something NL was considering too I think. I didn't temp this month, and it's been nice. I took a couple of landmark temps this cycle to see if things were matching roughly, (like the day I was due to O, I had my temp drop and then it had gone up two days later so I trusted I O'd. Plus cm signs, and the OPK fade in, etc) but mostly we have just had sex 3-4 a week and hope we've caught it.
Temping is awesome to establish a pattern, and then I say if every temp change has you worrying, perhaps trying the above bolded would help.