Post by runnerjenny on Oct 28, 2012 17:12:24 GMT -5
Or wait a few days...
I'm pretty sure you will all just tell me to take a pregnancy test, but I just don't want to be disappointed.
Here's the story...
I'm 12dpo and my cycles have been 42 days long. I am expecting AF on Wednesday. However, before BCP my cycles were 35-38 days long (and I am currently on CD39 as of today).
Since about 1:00PM today I have been seeing brownish spotting when I wipe. It's very light, very faint, but totally there. Would I love to believe this is IB? Of course. Do I think it's AF making an early appearance? Yes.
However, I normally don't spot like this before my period. It usually will just start full force or if I see brownish spotting like this, then withing a few minutes it's full on heavy flow.
Post by winecheery on Oct 28, 2012 17:22:12 GMT -5
Test tomorrow. I had a day of spotting before my period started this last cycle (not saying that will be your case) but I never spot before AF either. It was hands down the weirdest period ever too; not much blood, not much of anything. Apparently a weird period is "normal" every now and then.
Just test with FMU to put your mind at ease either way. GL!
Brown blood is usually spotting, and if it were IB, you wouldn't test positive on a HPT yet anyways.
I'd probably wait until 15DPO if you really don't want to be disappointed.
If you have wondfos or something cheap, and can handle a BFN knowing how early it is, then go ahead and test. But Swizzle is right, if it's IB, then you won't test positive yet.