Bad, because I still had that faint hope that I'd be pg. Good, because at least my cycle didn't last as long as it could have. Total count ended up being 47 days (I'm not just off BCP...this was just a weird cycle).
I guess when I was stressing about temping in the the first couple weeks just threw off my O.
TTC#1 since March 2011 Missed M/C June 2011 @9 weeks Took a break to get healthy and make a plan Cycle#1/ IUI#1 Sept 2017 BFN Cycle#2/ IUI#2 Canceled due to possible uterine polyps Cycle#3 Saline ultrasound (no polyps found) Cycle#4 IUI#3 Dec 2017 BFN Cycle#5 IUI#4 Jan 2018 canceled wrong side ovulation Cycle#6 IUI#5 Feb 2018 BFN Getting ready to start IVF April 2018