Burger places in DC have been having fun with this.
One focused on foods popular where Pres. Obama and Mitt Romney are from. For example, the burger for Pres. Obama had a Chicago style hot dog on it with all the fixings. Mitt Romney's had lobster on it. You could play around with foods like that. Maybe for Pres. Obama you could do Chicago style pizza, even.
Hi, I'm new here, but used to frequent election parties, some better than others.
There are, of course, the generic ones (Uncle Sam-mies, "heros").
But if you want to go down party lines, and go beyond the ubiquitous Elephant ear and Donkey tail twists: "O"-bama bars (with cheerios), Mitten-shsaped sandwiches or cookies, the o-shape of the jello mold works pretty well for anything along those lines or just round cookie cutters for sandwiches/cookies.