Ok. The first day of my last period was Oct 1. but I suspect I didn't ovulate until about oct. 20th.
So fast forward to this past Monday (which would put me at I think 9dpo), I get a very faint positive. Within the 5 minute time frame. Yesterday test again and it's somewhat darker. Today test again and it's a tiny bit lighter than yesterday.
This was the first time that I used opk strips to find out that I ovulated on cd20, so I'm not sure if this cycle is longer than usual or if that's just how it goes for me. What I'm saying is, I'm not sure when my period is actually meant to start.
My question is should I be going in now to take a blood test, wait a few more days to take another hpt, or... what? In other words, are you supposed to have missed your period before getting a blood test?
Why do I feel like I belong on the bump right now lol sorry I can't articulate.
A positive is a positive. I would test again after your period goes missing... but a positive is a positive. If you call your dr, they likely wont even want to see you till you're about 8 weeks.
I also had a period start date of 10/01. So you can see my chart if you want to. I O'd on CD 15. Did not get a faint positive till 11 DPO. Then my real dark positive came on 13 DPO. (just like my last pregnancy) Having said all of that I would keep on testing. You could have had a bad test or the HCG just wasn't as strong as your previous test.
Also, it really depends on the length of your Luteal phase and the length of your cycle. If you are normally a 28 day cycle and you have a short luteral phase of only 8 days then perhaps this isn't enough time for the HSG to build in your system.
A positive is a positive. I would test again after your period goes missing... but a positive is a positive. If you call your dr, they likely wont even want to see you till you're about 8 weeks.
I think what I'm trying to say is, I'm not sure exactly when to expect my period. I had a bit of extra stress this month and seeing as how for the first time ever I tracked ovulation and it was pretty late, I don't know if that will push my period back or not.
I'll just test again in a few days and stop obsessing over it, haha thanks imoan!
I also had a period start date of 10/01. So you can see my chart if you want to. I O'd on CD 15. Did not get a faint positive till 11 DPO. Then my real dark positive came on 13 DPO. (just like my last pregnancy) Having said all of that I would keep on testing. You could have had a bad test or the HCG just wasn't as strong as your previous test.
Also, it really depends on the length of your Luteal phase and the length of your cycle. If you are normally a 28 day cycle and you have a short luteral phase of only 8 days then perhaps this isn't enough time for the HSG to build in your system.
That makes sense. My cycle isn't terribly predictable but the past two months it started on the 1st of the month. So if I hadn't been tracking I'd expect it to come in the next few days.
Ditto everyone else. Also, try buying one of those digital tests.
If you're pregnant, then you're pregnant. You don't have to wait until your period is overdue to call your doctor. If you test positive on an HPT, then they will probably have you come in for a blood test (or another urine test) to confirm it -- but they might not.
Yep, I just went in to see my dr to get started on the hospital paperwork for delivery and get the form for all my bloodwork and referral to the centre for my first trimester screening. She didn't bother to confirm it at all.
My doctor did have me do bloodwork, but I'd also had a history of losses. If this is your first time being pregnant and getting a positive, they'll probably just give you an appointment for when you hit 8 weeks.