Hey ladies. Back from a fantastic weekend. Truly much needed, and I'm sorry it's over.
But I'm out.
I starting seriously spotting today, after some light pink/pale brown spotting sporadically over the weekend. (only when I wiped kind of thing)
Was hopeful it was IB, but deep down, I knew it was AF coming. What sucks even more is she's a day early, if she arrives tomorrow in full force as I expect.
Which means my cycles are shortening...31, 28, and this would be 27.
I'm not sure what that means, and I'm not sure what the spotting means either. I'm still feeling really emotional and exhausted, so I'm emailing my doc to see if anything alarms her Onto cycle 4 I guess.
I have no clue, because I didn't take accurate temps this round. I only sporadically took the temps this cycle, and so I can only guess, but last cycle my LP was 13 days, with temping and an OPK.
FWIW I can post my shitty chart this month, and you can play doctor. It doesn't show ovulation because there isn't sufficient temps data. But I'd guess day 15 (or 14) like last month. Based on cm, general mood, and the temp dip that time which has a similar pattern to last months.
Well, the pale spotting was around (aprrox) 10-11dpo. And today is approx 12dpo, and I have the legit brown/brownish red business. So, would that count as my LP shortening?? I didn't think so.
I did mark down pale brown discharge around cd21, and 22. But I didn't think anything of it; I was just trying to diligently take notes down to see if there was a pattern.
I mostly just wonder why I am spotting at all, and why I'm so freaking tired and emotional all the time. I seriously want to just sleep and cry lol It's batty. I feel...not like myself really. I dunno.
Are you AMA? How long have you been tracking your cycle for? If this is just cycle 4, and you have no known extenuating circumstances, I think everything is probably ok. My cycles have been anywhere between 25 and 33 days. My dr isn't concerned about length as these are all within a pretty "normal" range.
Try not to overthink it too soon - cycle 4 is still early.
Are you AMA? How long have you been tracking your cycle for? If this is just cycle 4, and you have no known extenuating circumstances, I think everything is probably ok. My cycles have been anywhere between 25 and 33 days. My dr isn't concerned about length as these are all within a pretty "normal" range.
Try not to overthink it too soon - cycle 4 is still early.
(Hugs) I know it's tough.
Oooh what's AMA? I thought I knew all the abbrevs.
Let's see, went off bcp in August, that first cycle was 31days, second was 28 (started AF on day 29) and if AF shows tomorrow as my spotting would indicate, this cycle will have been 27 days.
I charted last month, and loosely/didn't chart this month. I have nothing to really compare my present cycles to, because I went on bc at 17, and had only had my period for a short while prior. I didn't have enough body weight at the time.
Post by mandapanda18 on Nov 4, 2012 20:28:11 GMT -5
So sorry... I did have some spotting with no AF if it makes you feel better! It was only apparent when I used the restroom, lasted a two days then disappeared! Good luck either way!
So sorry... I did have some spotting with no AF if it makes you feel better! It was only apparent when I used the restroom, lasted a two days then disappeared! Good luck either way!
No, not my case. It started that way, but today was a lot more of it, and that's a sure sign of the end of this round But thanks, that was sweet of you.
At this point, I just want to know why I feel so off emotionally/ebery-wise, and if the spotting is a cause for concern. I will get pregnant soon; I believe this. But I'd like to know 100% that everything is working perfectly to get me there!
I'm sure it is. But it's nice to have it affirmed by someone with a med degree!
AMA = Advanced Maternal Age, or pretty much 35 years old +.
If you went off of BC before your August period, then I'd consider whatever happened after that flukey. It can take a while (ie - more than a month) for your cycle to become normal after coming off of BC. Not to say you can't get pregnant immediately after you come off, because you totally can. Just that if you're charting/temping/tracking your days, it might take more than one or two cycles for things to level out.
That said, after months of charting and tracking, my cycles still feel all over the place to me. The doctors, however, seem to agree that they're all within the realm of "normal". This does make ovulation predicting and timing trick, though. lol.
Keep charting and tracking. Start using OPKs. This will be a really good way to know if your chart is on course with what your body is doing. Remember that it can take a couple up to twelve months (or more!) to conceive. It might take you and your H a few months to get on the right cycle in terms of having sex at the right time/on the right day.
If you're younger than 35, your doctor probably won't even want to discuss any potential "issues" until after at least a year of trying.
Good luck - there's a lot to figure out, I know.
Oh - and as for IB - this will generally happen around the time of implantation. I hope every month when I get my pre-period spotting that it's IB but my GYN has been great at reminding me that if it shows up right around when your period should be arriving, odds are it's your period. If it shows up the week (or so) before you're expecting AF then there's a chance it's IB.
I hope this isn't a mood killer post! I really don't mean it to be. I promise!
I went off my pill at the time I should have started my period/withdrawl bleed while on bc. I didn't get a period until September, that was 31 days after stopping the pill.
My doc and I email a lot; and like I said, I'm not emailing her to be like, "Why aren't I pregnant" I just want to feel...normal. My energy is low, my emotions are off. It's out of character. I do realize that I haven't been off the pill for long, but I just don't want to feel this crappy if I don't have to, you know? That's why I'm checking in with her.
I guess I'll try opks again; but I have a hard time getting a + result because I drink so much water.
I had a lot of those same feelings the first month, and started taking 2000 ius of vitamin D (per my doc's recc) and I felt a lot better. Just seemed to take the edge off.
No, but I'd be glad to. Anything to make me feel less anxious, and emotional, and well, miserable.
I think saying I have an "edge" is a perfect way to describe it. I feel awful and it has zip to do with ttc.
Yes, ttc is stressful and it sucks, but repeated bfn suck way less than how I've been feeling!
Post by blindyswife on Nov 4, 2012 23:21:40 GMT -5
({) zombie hug
You're getting lots of good advice. I just wanted to add that my cycles have been ranging from 26-31 days, but my LP has consistently been 14 days. I wouldn't be too concerned about the cycle length at this point, but it never hurts to ask the doc anyway. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for another month.
Are you AMA? How long have you been tracking your cycle for? If this is just cycle 4, and you have no known extenuating circumstances, I think everything is probably ok. My cycles have been anywhere between 25 and 33 days. My dr isn't concerned about length as these are all within a pretty "normal" range.
Try not to overthink it too soon - cycle 4 is still early.
(Hugs) I know it's tough.
Oooh what's AMA? I thought I knew all the abbrevs.
Let's see, went off bcp in August, that first cycle was 31days, second was 28 (started AF on day 29) and if AF shows tomorrow as my spotting would indicate, this cycle will have been 27 days.
I charted last month, and loosely/didn't chart this month. I have nothing to really compare my present cycles to, because I went on bc at 17, and had only had my period for a short while prior. I didn't have enough body weight at the time.
I had 3 normal cycles after coming off BCP then I went forever 90 something days) without AF. I had to be put on mess which only worked for one month then I went back on BCP for 3 months, after that AF has been about 40 day cycles getting shorter every cycle. It can take awhile to get back in the swing of things.