I know day of your cycle is the first day with actual "flow". This round, I spotted brown during the first half of the day and had some minor flow by nighttime, nothing like day one of a usual period, it was red but just like in between spotting and flow lol (sorry guys)
Do I count that as day one or do I count the next day, the day of real flow, as day one? It will shift what my projected ovulation date is on FF and though I will try opks again this cycle, I want to be sure I am sort of off to a good start here
I was counting it as day one, because it was red flow, albeit light.
I think I am answering myself here lol HALP the stupid!
Lol, the short answer is stick with your current count.
The real answer is - it doesn't actually matter :-) Judge your cd 1 the same every cycle (my standar is red on a pad). Once you temp and/or use OPKs, this day of difference won't matter at all. If you're not seriously charting and just depending on FF for an educated guess at O date, you're only working a guess anyway, not any kind of real prediction. So, either way, you'll be totally fine.
lol yeah undies were protected thanks girls hahaha I am loopy today I think...watch out!
Oh and jewel I'm giving temping one more go this round since I feel last month was wasted, but from what I can glean I O on 14-15 and have a 12-13 lp, with an odd cycle this month (10) so if everything returns to normal next month, I won't worry You know in case you cared. WHICH YOU ALL DO! thanks again girls