I was lurking on Got Pg like I sometimes do to learn wisdom from those that have moved on...
And there's a thread our very own Honey started asking about what she can look forward to while pg, and it seems like the overall consensus is...NOTHING LOL
I mean, actually, several ladies have made sweet comments about how feeling the baby, or seeing their DH get excited, etc is cool, but overall, it sounds like no one really likes it! The grass is always greener??
Just thought it was funny, and trying to cheer myself up at the thought of NOT being ku at the moment. I really wish I was one of the luckies this past cycle. Oh well! :drink:
Oh dear. I wasn't inviting a flame fest. I also wasn't saying that everyone regrets it and they had nothing good to say about it.
Just that reading that thread seemed to have an overall tone of people who were not exactly as excited to BE pg once they got there. That's not implying that you have to be super duper thrilled every step of the way. I'm sure a lot of it does suck.
I'm clearly not pg and clearly trying to boost my own spirits a bit and anyone else who may need a little reminder that there are +/- to both sides that's all.
Post by littlemisschatty on Nov 8, 2012 11:19:48 GMT -5
I got what you were saying winecheery! I saw that thread too. There are some women who love being pg and some who don't. I have a feeling I will be the latter
Post by mandapanda18 on Nov 8, 2012 11:23:30 GMT -5
lol... the feeling that I am going to vomit up everything I eat is terrible, but I hope feeling the baby move, seeing him/her on the US and all the other non-sickening pregnancy related items are fun!
I saw that thread. I've lurked over there. I think the replies match the tone of that board. We're one incredibly nice board here, and they have more snark over there than I care for. There's nothing wrong with that, that's just not my thing. I'm a softie when it comes to my message boards lol. Sure, being pg maybe isn't the greatest, but neither does it suck royally for all 270 days. (I'm also telling myself this bc we want 3-4 children and I'll spend a good amount of time in the next several years pg, so I refuse to be negative about it.)
Post by HoneySpider on Nov 8, 2012 11:42:45 GMT -5
I think that there is good and bad about not being pg and good and bad about being pg. There's always going to be *something* greener on the other side.
Really? I don't think they are snarky at all over there, and I will happily hop my ass on ovah. lol
They're not snarky like ML is snarky or anything. Maybe saying there's some sting to their words is a better way to put it. Did you read the post where they were making fun of posts on TB? Sure, some of the questions they were making fun of were dumb/crazy/whatever, but I thought some of those questions were legit. I personally wouldn't ask on a message board; I'd google, but I didn't think the original authors were all the dumb cows they were making fun of them for being. It's just not my style is all.
Post by HoneySpider on Nov 8, 2012 11:47:18 GMT -5
I do post on the other GP (man this can be confusing) but I agree that there is more snark there than here. There is a lot of making fun of people on TB....which, yes, some of the stuff is really silly but that seriously gets old after a while.
I'm sure everyone at some point or another has asked a stupid question.
I saw that thread. I've lurked over there. I think the replies match the tone of that board. We're one incredibly nice board here, and they have more snark over there than I care for. There's nothing wrong with that, that's just not my thing. I'm a softie when it comes to my message boards lol. Sure, being pg maybe isn't the greatest, but neither does it suck royally for all 270 days. (I'm also telling myself this bc we want 3-4 children and I'll spend a good amount of time in the next several years pg, so I refuse to be negative about it.)
I don't think it's fair to say that it matches the tone of the board. It's okay to complain - you can complain about being pregnant, about not being pregnant, it's everyone's prerogative. Yes, some things about pregnancy stink (so far the only reasons I "know" I'm pregnant are a pee test and a constant feeling that I'm going to lose my lunch). That doesn't make me any less excited about the process.
I knew what you were saying, winecheery. I hope you get your BFP soon!
Wine -- yeah, pregnancy has me feeling craptacular. But honestly, I've never been happier in my entire life (despite the physical symptoms). So yeah, I might complain about the tiredness, sore boobs, and barfiness, but I actually love being pregnant. I can see why people do this over and over:-) I mean, when I was TTC, I complained about NOT being pregnant!
Whoa I took a shower a came back to lots of dialogue! lol Which is in fact the point of these boards, so WIN.
Thanks for those that reinforced what I meant, and swizz especially this round for defending my way of talking yet again! I should really learn to just not post certain things, perhaps! I really, truly, am a nice person!
And I'm not sour at all, just bummed out about it a bit today. I just had two people close to me have babies in 3weeks and another is due soon. I am THRILLED for these people, esp my one friend who had to endure IF to get her babies. It's just...a lot today I think.
Oh and I def don't think the peeps on other-GP are snarky...except maybe about TB, but, those Bump ladies kiiiinda ask for it sometimes. A lot of our "original" group have made it over there to other-GP, and they weren't assholes when they were here, kwim?
I definitely prefer not being pregnant to being pregnant for the actual experience. Being pregnant is a huge pain in the ass.
I want to get pregnant to have a baby. I had an extremely easy pregnancy last time and I still don't look forward to the actual sharing of my body with another person very much. I like wine, hot tubs, and being thin (for me).
Dude, all my friends who are KU (or have been recently) have stories up the wazoo about what a total suckfest actually being KU is, like for instance the peeing in your pants - literally, but they also all say the physical suckage is totally worth it (both because of being happy during and after the pregnancy, because babies are just plain awesome!)
And I second Swizzl, WineCheery deserves much huggage, she's awesomesauce!
Andplusalso, yeah the no drinking part is going to kill me. So much that I've secretly (not that it's financially doable) started planning to move to Italy while pregnant. Because, you know, they think a small glass of wine with dinner a few times a week is totally okay!