were or are you like me, did you feel everything from conception to present date.
if you are like me, this could be both a blessing and a curse. I enjoyed the very first movements of my child, from ball of cells to the kicking child that is rolling around as I type. to the little pains of my uterus streching. . . dont worry like me mommys to be we are sensitive, wonderful creatures. and the fact that we feel our childs first movement, is a blessing. so dont worry like I did over every small thing, we have support and other mothers to probe for questions. Be thankful we have modern medicine to tell us what is building inside us. be excited and happy over every little movement. as my best moments are settling into bed with my favorite music playing around the room, and the rolls of my child when it hears its favorite song or as i sing along and my voice echoes inside.These simple pleasure's, they make being pregnant worth while. . . I cannot wait to meet my musical angel.
But such entertaining MUD! It reminds me of the one where the lady claimed she felt it when the sperm met egg and knew down to the minute when she conceived... and posted about two hours later that she was pregnant.
This is obviously MUD, and while I don't, sometimes I'm tempted to play.
I too, know when egg and sperm met - the afternoon of September 26, 2011, around 3:00. I too, know when the ball of cells took up residence in my uterus, June 6, 2012 at 9:40 in the morning.
Then again, I went through IVF, so I actually do know these things, but I certainly didn't "feel" them
I have no idea when that happened this time. I know when my last period was, and when we had sex, but I have zero idea because I am a TLC show - I didn't know I was pregnant! Um, well, until about 7 weeks. So not really like that TLC show.