Post by sleepyheads on Nov 14, 2012 11:23:26 GMT -5
Hello again...I give all you ladies TTC props for not going insane with this process. I wasn't even trying and I'm going nuts.
Anyway, I've had a recent temp spike, I'm at 8 DPO...this is a triphasic pattern, correct? (I've only starting charting this cycle) Is this a more likely pattern if you're pregnant? Has anyone here had this pattern and not been pregnant? I'll include my chart if its helpful..thanks!
Post by Cheesecake on Nov 14, 2012 13:03:02 GMT -5
Nope, that's my own previous month's chart. You need to make sure you have your settings so that it allows sharing/is not private, otherwise whatever you post will be re-routed to whoever is watchin's account.
Also, without seeing it, a three phasic chart is something some people just have, doesn't mean anything re: likelyhood of being pregnant. If your temp stays up and above the coverlines up to 18DPO, that says something, but besides that, temps just differ, and some go tri-phasic, some don't.
TCOYF says on page 327: "While there appears to be no discussion of this phenomenon in medical literature, my professional experience is that this triphasic pattern seems to occur in most pregnant women who chart."
Post by Cheesecake on Nov 15, 2012 14:20:49 GMT -5
Also, looking at your chart, I'm wondering if you've looked at your CM lately? You have a lot of open circles on your chart so that might throw things off. If I look at your chart it seems like the only reason you got crosshairs is because of your CM. If the crosshairs and mucus info (but that's just 2 days you filled out) weren't there, I would've guessed that you're not triphasic, but that you've just ovulated (on CD18 or maybe even 19) and this is just part of your normal after O temp rise.
Post by sleepyheads on Nov 15, 2012 16:14:47 GMT -5
I think anything with my chart is possible, lol. I just started charting this month, and was really only taking my temp. I noticed my CM randomly on those days when going to the bathroom, so I decided to add them (I haven't been monitoring CM). I guess my ovulation day could be off.