Tonight I started bleeding, I'm 6w 4d. Early but still sucks. I picked up dd2 to put her in her crib and felt "wet". Went to the bathroom and sure enough, bright red blood. I'm totally a mess. My first appointment is tomorrow at 9. I almost don't want to go because I'm so worried I know what they will say. Please send prayers my way
Still light bleeding and now laying in bed hoping morning will come quickly. Too bad my doctor isn't in his office at 4am. Thank you for the kind words. I'm pretty worried
Just got back. Doc thinks there was a blood clot in the placenta that was passed. Baby is in the uterus and it's little heart is beating away. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound. The blood is dark now rather than the bright red it was. Doc says there isn't anything we can do but wait. He did say the risk of m/c goes down to 5% once there is a heart beat. So at this point we are just waiting and staying positive
Thanks for being so supportive ladies! You all are very sweet. I was really scared.. I've never had any bleeding before so I thought it was going to be the end