My first beta was last friday, 14dpiui, and my number was 238. I went again today and my number was 741. So the doubling time was about 58 hours, pretty much within the 48-72 hour time frame I've read online that makes sense.
However when my nurse called, she said the number was "adequate but on the low side." They wanted me to come back Thursday (yes they are open) but we will be out of town so I won't be able to go in until Sunday. Which means I am going to be freaking out until then.
I called to see if I could get blood drawn out of state but they want their office to do it, plus DH thinks if it's bad news we should find out when we are home and not while visiting out of state family.
I keep reminding myself that everything could be perfectly fine but it is tough! If anyone has beta numbers to share that were not super high to begin with, I appreciate any optimism!
Hang in there. Those numbers look fine to me. My number was only 139 at 4 weeks, 1 day (15 day past retrieval or ovulation) and all is well with me. I wouldn't worry until you have reason to. Have a great holiday and congrats!
Update - went for my 3rd blood test today and beta was 2,081 (doubling time of 64 hours which is actually slower than my previous one at 58 hours). However, this nurse said my dr was happy with the numbers and doesn't want me to come back until my first ultrasound at 6.5 weeks. I am thrilled!!!